  1. Books I’m Writing
  2. Books I’ve Read
Michael Sean Strickland


Books I’ve Read

1992 : 1–31.

1 — E. O. Wilson, On human nature. 5 January, Austin | 2 — C. N. Degler, In search of human nature. 8 January, Austin | 3 — C. A. Bramblett, Patterns of primate behavior. 1 February, Austin | 4 — P. B. Medawar, Advice to a young scientist. March, Austin | 5 — B. Malamud, God’s grace. 1 April, Austin | 6 — S. J. Gould, The individual in Darwin’s world. 27 April, Austin | 7 — A. Jolly, The evolution of primate behavior. 12 May, Austin | 8 — J. Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner: Critique of a heritage. 17 May, Austin | 9 — R. W. Clark, JBS: The life and work of J. B. S. Haldane. 24 May, Austin | 10 — N. Manea, On clowns: The dictator and the artist. 31 May, Austin | 11 — K. Hamsun, Pan. 11 June, Austin | 12 — L. Margulis and R. Fester, eds., Symbiosis as a source of evolutionary innovation. 15 June, Austin | 13 — I. Calvino, Mr. Palomar. 23 July, Austin | 14 — M. Kundera, The joke. 2 August, Austin | 15 — C. K. Williams, A dream of mind. 13 August, Austin | 16 — I. Calvino, Six memos for the next millennium. 15 August, Austin | 17 — G. Konrád, A feast in the garden. 9 September, Austin | 18 — G. Perec, A man asleep. 13 September, Austin | 19 — G. Perec, Things: A story of the sixties. 13 September, Austin | 20 — I. Calvino, Invisible cities. 19 September, Austin | 21 — A. Döblin, Berlin Alexanderplatz. 3 October, Austin | 22 — D. Kiš, A tomb for Boris Davidovich. 4 October, Austin | 23 — G. Perec, Life a user’s manual. 27 October, Austin | 24 — G. Konrád, The case worker. 30 October, Austin | 25 — G. Konrád, The city builder. 2 November, Austin | 26 — I. Calvino, The baron in the trees. 4 November, Austin | 27 — V. Woolf, To the lighthouse. 12 November, Austin | 28 — R. Kapuscinski, The soccer war. 28 November, Austin | 29 — C. Milosz, The witness of poetry. Austin | 30 — I. Calvino, Difficult loves. Austin | 31 — I. Calvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler. Austin.
Books I’ve Read

1993 : 32–79.

32 — P. D. MacLean, The triune brain in evolution. Role in paleocerebral functions. (1990). New York and Toronto: Plenum Press. 8 January, Austin | 33 — G. Davenport, A Balthus notebook. 19 January, Austin | 34 — W. Kandinsky, Concerning the spiritual in art. 29 January, Austin | 35 — M. Proust, Remembrance of things past: Swann’s Way; Within a budding grove; The Guermantes Way. 8 February, Austin | 36 — S. Beckett, Marcel Proust. 8 February, Austin | 37 — G. Konrád, The loser. 9 February, Austin | 38 — P. Valéry, M. Teste. 15 February, Austin | 39 — H. Mathews, The conversions. 20 February, Austin | 40 — H. Mathews, Tlooth. 21 February, Austin | 41 — H. Mathews, The sinking of the Odradek Stadium. 26 February, Austin | 42 — H. Mathews, Cigarettes. 3 March, Austin | 43 — A. Conan Doyle, A study in scarlet. 12 March, Austin | 44 — A. Conan Doyle, The sign of four. 13 March, Austin | 45 — W. Kandinsky, Point and line to plane. 18 March, Austin | 46 — A. K. Coomaraswamy, The transformation of nature in art. 23 March, Austin | 47 — G. Flaubert, Bouvard and Pécuchet. 24 March, Austin | 48 — G. Flaubert, The temptation of Saint Anthony. 7 April, Austin | 49 — Z. Herbert, Still life with a bridle. 20 April, Austin | 50 — P. Valéry, Aesthetics (Bollingen, vol. 13). 30 April, Austin | 51 — J. Roubaud, Hortense is abducted. 7 May, Austin | 52 — S. Kramrisch, The presence of Śiva. 31 May, Austin | 53 — R. Queneau, Le chiendent (The bark-tree). 5 June, Austin | 54 — V. Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway. 8 June, Austin | 55 — R. Queneau, The blue flowers. 9 June, Austin | 56 — H. Mathews, Country cooking and other stories. 14 June, Austin | 57 — H. Mathews, Out of bounds. 14 June, Austin | 58 — L. Pirandello, The late Mattia Pascal. 16 June, Austin | 59 — J. Roubaud, Our beautiful heroine. 17 June, Austin | 60 — R. Queneau, The Sunday of life. 22 June, Austin | 61 — R. Queneau, We always treat women too well. 26 June, Austin | 62 — V. Nabokov, Pnin. 7 July, Austin | 63 — J. Roubaud, The great fire of London. 14 July, Austin | 64 — R. Queneau, Odile. 16 July, Austin | 65 — G. Perec, W, or the memory of childhood. 20 July, Austin | 66 — J. Kristeva, Proust and the sense of time. 21 August, Austin | 67 — S. Kierkegaard, Philosophical fragments. 26 August, Austin | 68 — N. Manea, Compulsory happiness. 31 August, Austin | 69 — V. Larbaud, The diary of A. O. Barnabooth. 1 October, Austin | 70 — Y. H. Yerushalmi, Zakhor. 6 October, Austin | 71 — H. Mathews, The conversions. 9 October, Austin | 72 — M. Steinberg, Basic Judaism. 23 October, Austin | 73 — R. Queneau, Exercises in style. 24 October, Austin | 74 — P. Szewc, Annihilation. 27 October, Austin | 75 — H. Mathews, 20 lines a day. 21 November, Austin | 76 — Y. H. Yerushalmi, Freud’s Moses. 22 November, Austin | 77 — J. Barnes, Flaubert’s parrot. 11 December, Austin | 78 — J. Barnes, Staring at the sun. 13 December, Austin | 79 — M. Cholodenko, Mordechai Schamz. 17 December, Austin.
Books I’ve Read

1994 : 80–105.

80 — P. N. Furbank, Diderot. 10 January, Austin | 81 — B. Hrabal, Too loud a solitude. 19 January, Austin | 82 — H. Hickman, Robert Musil and the culture of Vienna. 12 February, Philadelphia | 83 — D. Bellos, Georges Perec. A life in words. 17 February, Philadelphia–Austin | 84 — R. Queneau, The last days. 20 March, Philadelphia | 85 — R. Queneau, Saint Glinglin. 3 April, Philadelphia | 86 — D. Markson, Wittgenstein’s mistress. 9 April, Philadelphia | 87 — S. Beckett, Fizzles. 13 April, Philadelphia | 88 — C. Renfrew, Archaeology and language. 21 April, Philadelphia | 89 — H. Mathews, Tlooth. 27 April, Philadelphia | 90 — D. Markson, Springer’s progress. 20 May, Philadelphia | 91 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 21 May, Philadelphia | 92 — F. O’Brien, The Dalkey archive. 5 June, Philadelphia | 93 — H. Mathews, The orchard. 6 July, Philadelphia | 94 — E. de Queiros, The illustrious house of Ramires. 24 July, Philadelphia | 95 — D. Markson, The ballad of Dingus Magee. 13 August, Philadelphia | 96 — D. S. Luft, Robert Musil and the crisis of European culture. 18 August, Philadelphia | 97 — P. M. Lützeler, Hermann Broch. 18 September, Philadelphia | 98 — P. Handke, The afternoon of a writer. 25 September, Philadelphia | 99 — E. E. Sullivan, The dead magician. 10 October, Philadelphia | 100 — H. Mathews, The journalist. 15 October, Philadelphia | 101 — F. O’Brien, The hard life. 22 October, Philadelphia | 102 — C. Nooteboom, The following story. 19 November, Philadelphia | 103 — C. Nooteboom, Rituals. 21 November, Philadelphia | 104 — C. Simon, Conducting bodies. 24 December, Houston | 105 — M. Blanchot, Thomas the obscur. 29 December, Houston–Raleigh–Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

1995, 106–135.

106 — C. Simon, The acacia. 19 January, Philadelphia | 107 — G. Perec, A void. 30 January, Philadelphia | 108 — G. Sorrentino, Under the shadow. 31 January, Philadelphia | 109 — A. Theroux, Darconville’s cat. 26 February, Philadelphia | 110 — A. Aciman, Out of Egypt. 14 April, Philadelphia | 111 — A. Theroux, The primary colors. 25 April, Philadelphia | 112 — V. Nabokov, Lolita, Volume One. 22 May, Philadelphia | 113 — R. Barthes, The pleasure of the text. 5 June, Philadelphia | 114 — B. Hrabal, I served the king of England. 7 June, Philadelphia | 115 — E. de Queiros, Cousin Bazilio. 24 July, Philadelphia | 116 — J. Charyn, The Tar Baby. 30 July, Philadelphia | 117 — R. Bresson, Notes sur le cinématographe (in English trans.). 1 August, Philadelphia | 118 — M. Butor, Portrait of the artist as a young ape. 5 August, Philadelphia | 119 — S. Brakhage, Film at wit’s end. 6 August, Philadelphia | 120 — A. Wajda, Double vision. 7 August, Philadelphia | 121 — J.-C. Carrière, The secret life of film. 17 August, Philadelphia | 122 — E. Kahler, The disintegration of form in the arts. 3 September, Philadelphia | 123 — C. Simon, Triptych. 4 September, Philadelphia | 124 — T. Hardy, Far from the madding crowd. 30 September, Philadelphia | 125 — A. Theroux, An adultery. 7 October, Philadelphia | 126 — G. Adair, The holy innocents. 8 October, Philadelphia | 127 — F. O’Brien, At Swim-Two-Birds. 17 October, Philadelphia | 128 — J. Potocki, The manuscript found in Saragossa. 30 October, Philadelphia | 129 — F. O’Brien, The third policeman. 3 November, Philadelphia | 130 — M. Kundera, Testaments betrayed. 17 November, Philadelphia | 131 — R. Vaneigem, The movement of the free spirit. 25 November, Philadelphia | 132 — M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita. 13 December, Philadelphia | 133 — J. Thompson, The killer inside me. 15 December, Philadelphia | 134 — J. Thompson, The kill-off. 17 December, Philadelphia | 135 — H. Mathews, Singular pleasures. 28 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

1996, 136–163.

136 — J. Thompson, A hell of a woman. 4 January, Philadelphia | 137 — J. Barnes, A history of the world in 10 1/2 chapters. 8 January, Philadelphia | 138 — F. Nietzsche, Human, all too human. 9 January, Philadelphia | 139 — V. Nabokov, Lolita, part two. 14 January, Philadelphia | 140 — H. Mathews, The sinking of the Odradek Stadium. 4 February, Philadelphia | 141 — P. K. Hitti, Origins of the Druze people. 7 February, Philadelphia | 142 — F. Nietzsche, Daybreak. 8 February, Philadelphia | 143 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. 18 February, Philadelphia | 144 — F. Dostoevsky, The house of the dead. 13 March, Philadelphia | 145 — F. Nietzsche, The gay science. 25 March, Philadelphia | 146 — V. Nabokov, Transparent things. 2 April, Philadelphia | 147 — W. Kaufmann, The faith of a heretic. 17 April, Philadelphia | 148 — M. Bénabou, Why I have not written any of my books. 19 April, Philadelphia | 149 — V. Nabokov, Despair. 6 May, Philadelphia | 150 — W. Kaufmann, Critique of religion and philosophy. 12 May, Philadelphia | 151 — M. Kundera, Slowness. 19 May, Philadelphia | 152 — W. Kaufmann, From Shakespeare to existentialism. 30 May, Philadelphia | 153 — A. Jarry, Exploits and opinions of Dr. Faustroll, pataphysician. 9 June, Philadelphia | 154 — W. Kaufmann, Tragedy and philosophy. 3 July, Philadelphia | 155 — T. Bernhard, Wittgenstein’s nephew. 10 July, Philadelphia | 156 — A. Jarry, Visits of love. 16 July, Philadelphia | 157 — G. Perec, The winter’s journey. 1 August, Philadelphia | 158 — V. Pelevin, The Yellow Arrow. 4 August, Philadelphia | 159 — R. Shattuck, The banquet years. 25 September, Paris | 160 — R. Roussel, Life, death and works (Atlas Anthology 4). 8 October, Paris | 161 — F. Nietzsche, Thus spake Zarathustra. 19 October, Paris | 162 — F. Nietzsche, Twilight of the idols. 25 October, Paris | 163 — F. Nietzsche, The antichrist. 2 November, Paris.
Books I’ve Read

1997, 164–183.

164 — D. Markson, Reader’s block. 5 January, Paris | 165 — E. White, Forgetting Elena. 14 January, Paris | 166 — F. del Paso, Palinuro of Mexico. 21 January, Paris | 167 — F. Nietzsche, Assorted opinions and maxims. 7 February, Paris | 168 — F. Nietzsche, The wanderer and his shadow. 25 February, Paris | 169 — R. Dunbar, Grooming, gossip and the evolution of language. 25 July, Philadelphia | 170 — W. Kaufmann, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Buber. 12 September, Philadelphia | 171 — W. Kaufmann, Freud, Adler and Jung. 26 September, Philadelphia | 172 — W. Kaufmann, Goethe, Kant and Hegel. 7 October, Philadelphia | 173 — H. Mathews, Cigarettes. 23 October, Philadelphia | 174 — W. Kaufmann, Without guilt and justice. 31 October, Philadelphia | 175 — M. de Assis, The posthumous papers of Brás Cubas. 5 November, Philadelphia | 176 — J. Echenoz, Cherokee. 9 November, Philadelphia | 177 — V. Nabokov, Mary. 15 November, Philadelphia | 178 — Homer, The Odyssey. 20 November, Philadelphia | 179 — V. Nabokov, Glory. 23 November, Philadelphia | 180 — V. Nabokov, King, queen, knave. 25 November, Philadelphia | 181 — R. Queneau, The flight of Icarus. 16 December, Philadelphia | 182 — J. Diamond, Guns, germs and steel. 21 December, Philadelphia | 183 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins!. 23 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

1998, 184–225.

184 — R. Queneau, Pierrot, mon ami. 10 January, Philadelphia | 185 — V. Nabokov, Ada or ardor: A family chronicle. 15 January, Philadelphia | 186 — V. Nabokov, Bend sinister. 22 January, Philadelphia | 187 — F. Nietzsche, Beyond good and evil. 24 January, Philadelphia | 188 — M. de Assis, Dom Casmurro. 31 January, Philadelphia | 189 — T. Thornhill, Sweet tea with cardamom. 13 February, Philadelphia | 190 — G. Konrád, A feast in the garden. 26 February, Philadelphia | 191 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 22 March, Philadelphia | 192 — C. Richter, Nietzsche et les théories biologiques contemporaines. 2 April, Philadelphia | 193 — R. Robb, Victor Hugo. 10 April, Philadelphia | 194 — V. Nabokov, The gift. 27 April, Philadelphia | 195 — R. Fox, The red lamp of incest. 29 April, Philadelphia | 196 — V. Nabokov, The defense. 30 April, Philadelphia | 197 — M. Ruhlen, The origin of language. 15 May, Philadelphia | 198 — R. Fox, The challenge of anthropology. 20 May, Philadelphia | 199 — H. Plotkin, Evolution in mind. 24 May, Philadelphia | 200 — R. Queneau, Loin de Rueil. 25 May, Philadelphia | 201 — W. Kaufmann, The future of the humanities. 31 May, Philadelphia | 202 — V. Nabokov, Pnin. 3 June, Philadelphia | 203 — V. Nabokov, Laughter in the dark. 6 June, Philadelphia | 204 — R. Fox, The search for society. 17 June, Philadelphia | 205 — L. Tiger, The pursuit of pleasure. 22 June, Philadelphia | 206 — M. Bénabou, Jacob, Menachem and Mimoun. 30 June, Philadelphia | 207 — C. K. Maisels, The emergence of civilization. 1 July, Philadelphia | 208 — L. H. Keeley, War before civilization. 8 July, Philadelphia | 209 — R. Fox, Reproduction and succession. 19 July, Philadelphia | 210 — W. J. Ong, Orality and literacy. 26 July, Philadelphia | 211 — R. Fox, Conjectures and confrontations. Science, evolution, social concern. 10 August, Philadelphia | 212 — R. Queneau, The children of clay. 26 August, Philadelphia | 213 — L. Tiger, Optimism. 3 September, Philadelphia | 214 — L. Tiger, The manufacture of evil. 14 September, Philadelphia | 215 — G. Perec, La vie mode d’emploi. 9 October, Philadelphia | 216 — R. Desnos, Liberty or love!. 21 October, Philadelphia | 217 — J. Hervier, The details of time (Interviews with Ernst Jünger). 24 October, Philadelphia | 218 — L. Tiger and R. Fox, The imperial animal. 26 October, Philadelphia | 219 — D. Powell, Dance night. 5 November, Philadelphia | 220 — D. Powell, Turn, magic wheel. 7 November, Philadelphia | 221 — D. Powell, The locusts have no king. 9 November, Philadelphia | 222 — V. Nabokov, Invitation to a beheading. (1959). New York: Vintage, 1989. 10 November, Philadelphia | 223 — R. Dawkins, Unweaving the rainbow. 17 November, Philadelphia | 224 — S. Katz, Swanny’s way. 4 December, Philadelphia | 225 — C. Dickens, Bleak House. 29 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

1999, 226–257.

226 — F. Kafka, The metamorphosis. 4 January, Philadelphia | 227 — X. de Maistre, Voyage around my room. 16 January, Philadelphia | 228 — X. de Maistre, Nocturnal expedition around my room. 17 January, Philadelphia | 229 — J. Joyce, Ulysses. 21 January, Philadelphia | 230 — R. Roussel, Locus Solus. 3 February, Philadelphia | 231 — G. Perec, Penser/classer. 6 April, Paris | 232 — A. Sokal and J. Bricmont, Impostures intellectuelles. 25 April, Paris | 233 — V. Nabokov, Despair. 21 May, Paris | 234 — A. Langaney, La philosophie... biologique. 25 May, Paris | 235 — D. Accursi, La philosophie d’Ubu. 31 May, Paris | 236 — V. Nabokov, Despair. 23 June, Paris | 237 — P. Braffort, Science et littérature. 29 June, Paris | 238 — I. Calvino, Les villes invisibles. 1 July, Paris | 239 — R. Desnos, Le vin est tiré... 13 July, Paris | 240 — J. Rogé, Le syndrome de Nietzsche. 25 July, Paris | 241 — A. Leroi-Gourhan, Le geste et la parole, vol. 1. 26 July, Paris | 242 — F. O’Brien, The third policeman. 2 August, Paris | 243 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 4 August, Paris | 244 — V. Nabokov, Ada or ardor: A family chronicle. 12 August, Paris | 245 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins! 22 August, Paris | 246 — V. Nabokov, Pnin. 27 August, Paris | 247 — V. Nabokov, Transparent things. 8 October, Paris | 248 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. 16 October, Paris | 249 — V. Nabokov, Invitation to a beheading. 27 October, Paris | 250 — H. Mathews, The sinking of the Odradek Stadium. 31 October, Paris | 251 — V. Nabokov, Lolita. 5 November, Paris | 252 — J. Monod, Le hasard et la nécessité. 18 November, Paris | 253 — B. S. Johnson, Christie Malry’s own double-entry. 29 November, Paris | 254 — S. Dunn, Failing Paris. 3 December, Paris | 255 — S. Kark, The forwarding agent. 5 December, Paris | 256 — V. Nabokov, Mary. 15 December, Paris | 257 — V. Nabokov, Glory. 25 December, Paris.
Books I’ve Read

2000, 258–305.

258 — P. Levi, The periodic table. 1 January, Philadelphia | 259 — S. R. Fischer, A history of language. 7 January, Philadelphia | 260 — R. Queneau, Un rude hiver. 28 January, Paris | 261 — I. Tattersall, The fossil trail. 31 January, Paris | 262 — S. Blaffer Hrdy, Mother nature. 7 February, Paris | 263 — J. Roubaud, Poésie :. 11 February, Paris | 264 — F. Kafka, The castle. 24 February, Paris | 265 — R. Firbank, Valmouth. 26 February, Paris | 266 — R. Firbank, The flower beneath the foot. 27 February, Paris | 267 — R. Firbank, Vainglory. 1 March, Paris | 268 — G. Perec, Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien. 3 March, Paris | 269 — R. Firbank, Concerning the eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli. 3 March, Paris | 270 — R. Firbank, Inclinations. 3 March, Paris | 271 — R, Firbank, The artificial princess. 6 March, Paris | 272 — R. Firbank, Prancing nigger (Sorrow in sunlight). 12 March, Paris | 273 — V. Nabokov, Lolita. 19 April, Paris | 274 — C. Knight, Blood relations. Menstruation and the origins of culture. 28 April, Paris | 275 — J. Nichols, Linguistic diversity in space and time. 1 May, Paris | 276 — G. Perec, Un cabinet d’amateur. 9 May, Paris | 277 — A. Conan Doyle, The sign of four. 11 May, Paris | 278 — C. Dickens, The Pickwick papers. 20 May, Paris | 279 — B. Boyd, Vladimir Nabokov. The Russian years. 27 May, Paris | 280 — G. Flaubert, Madame Bovary. 31 May, Paris | 281 — F. O’Brien, The Dalkey archive. 2 June, Paris | 282 — G. Bruno, De la magie. 7 June, Paris | 283 — R. Firbank, Caprice. 16 June, Paris | 284 — G. Perec, Je suis né. 30 June, Paris | 285 — J. Joyce, Ulysses. 30 June, Paris | 286 — G. Acquilecchia, Giordano Bruno. 12 July, Paris | 287 — B. Ehrenreich, Blood rites. 4 August, Philadelphia | 288 — H. Mathews, Sainte Catherine. 12 August, Paris | 289 — A. Leroi-Gourhan, Le geste et la parole, vol. 2. 16 August, Paris | 290 — M. Bounan, Sans valeur marchande. 21 August, Paris | 291 — R. Roussel, Nouvelles impressions d’Afrique. 28 August, Paris | 292 — C. Zimmer, Parasite rex. 27 September, Paris | 293 — J. Ashbery, Other traditions. 1 October, Philadelphia | 294 — G. Perec, La disparition. 16 October, Philadelphia | 295 — G. Perec, « 53 jours » (sauf “Le dossier”). 20 October, Philadelphia | 296 — W. Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke (E. Mossbacher trans.). 26 October, Philadelphia | 297 — D. Deutsch, The fabric of reality. 30 October, Philadelphia | 298 — D. Ruelle, Chance and chaos. 2 November, Philadelphia | 299 — R. Queneau, Zazie dans le métro. 5 November, Paris | 300 — V. Nabokov, Laughter in the dark. 26 November, Paris | 301 — H. Kenner, Ulysses (revised edition). 27 November, Paris | 302 — W. Shakespeare, Hamlet. 27 November, Paris | 303 — V. Nabokov, Bend sinister. 30 November, Paris | 304 — W. Shakespeare, Hamlet. 2 December, Paris | 305 — C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit. 20 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2001, 306–343.

306 — P. Singer, A darwinian left. 29 January, Philadelphia | 307 — K. Popper, Objective knowledge. 31 January, Philadelphia | 308 — D. Woolf, On us. 23 February, Philadelphia | 309 — P. Schneider, The wall jumper. 24 February, Philadelphia | 310 — P. Schneider, Couplings. 28 February, Philadelphia | 311 — K. Browne, Divided labours. 1 March, Philadelphia | 312 — J. Maynard Smith, Shaping life. 7 March, Philadelphia | 313 — G. Perec, Espèces d’espace. 8 March, Philadelphia | 314 — F. Duerrenmatt, The pledge. 9 March, Philadelphia | 315 — G. Schnackenberg, The throne of Labdacus. 17 March, Philadelphia | 316 — C. Zimmer, At the water’s edge. 23 March, Philadelphia | 317 — M. Leiris, L’âge d’homme. 3 April, Philadelphia | 318 — W. Abish, How German it is. 18 April, Philadelphia | 319 — W. Abish, Alphabetical Africa. 26 April, Philadelphia | 320 — H. Green, Blindness. 13 May, Paris | 321 — H. Green, Doting. 28 May, Paris | 322 — B. Stiegler, Nietzsche et la biologie. 6 June, Paris | 323 — J. Jouet, Raymond Queneau. 13 June, Paris | 324 — W. Doniger, The implied spider. 15 June, Philadelphia | 325 — C. Lévi-Strauss, Tristes tropiques (in English trans.). 2 July, Philadelphia | 326 — V. Nabokov, The eye. 18 July, Philadelphia | 327 — V. Nabokov, Despair. 24 July, Philadelphia. (1965, 1966). New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. | 328 — V. Nabokov, Lolita. 1 August, Philadelphia. (1955). New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1958. Seventh Impression. | 329 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. 5 August, Philadelphia. (1962). New York: Vintage, April 1989. | 330 — V. Nabokov, The eye. 12 August, Philadelphia | 331 — G. Green, Freud and Nabokov. 14 August, Philadelphia | 332 — V. Nabokov, Nikolai Gogol. 16 August, Philadelphia | 333 — D. Packman, Vladimir Nabokov. The structure of literary desire. 17 August, Philadelphia | 334 — V. Nabokov, Transparent things. 25 August, Philadelphia | 335 — G. Diment, Pniniad. Vladimir Nabokov and Marc Szeftel. 30 August, Philadelphia | 336 — V. Nabokov, Laughter in the dark. 7 September, Philadelphia. (1938, 1966). New York: New Directions, 1991. Third Printing. | 337 — V. Nabokov, King, queen, knave. 12 September, Philadelphia | 338 — V. Nabokov, Lectures on Don Quixote. 27 September, Philadelphia | 339 — R. Byron, The road to Oxiana. 25 October, Philadelphia | 340 — A. Schmidt, Scenes from the life of a faun. 26 October, Philadelphia | 341 — M. Bénabou, Jette ce livre avant qu’il soit trop tard. 24 November, Paris | 342 — M. Augé, Un ethnologue dans le métro. 1 December, Paris | 343 — M. S. Strickland, The compass of that sea. 29 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2002, 344–376.

344 — A. Jarry, Exploits and opinions of Dr. Faustroll, pataphysician. 12 January, Philadelphia | 345 — H. Mathews, The orchard. 30 January, Philadelphia | 346 — G. Perec, Un homme qui dort. 7 February, Philadelphia | 347 — L. Chamberlain, Nietzsche in Turin. 18 February, Philadelphia | 348 — E. Rice, Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton. 10 March, Philadelphia | 349 — L. Motz, The faces of the goddess. 8 May, Philadelphia | 350 — A. Theroux, Three wogs. 16 May, Philadelphia | 351 — H. Mathews, The conversions. 26 May, Philadelphia | 352 — B. Kerrey, When I was a young man. 29 May, Philadelphia | 353 — J. Roubaud, La bibliothèque de Warburg. 16 June, Paris | 354 — J. Roubaud, Poésie, etcetera : Ménage. 22 June, Paris | 355 — M. Bénabou, Pourquoi je n’ai écrit aucun de mes livres. 27 June, Paris | 356 — M. Bénabou, Écrire sur Tamara. 6 July, Paris | 357 — L. Smolin, Three roads to quantum gravity. 25 July, Philadelphia | 358 — A. Stevens and J. Price, Evolutionary psychiatry. 2nd edition. 10 August, Philadelphia | 359 — J. Roubaud, La boucle. 23 August, Philadelphia | 360 — V. Larbaud, The diary of A. O. Barnabooth. 7 September, Philadelphia | 361 — R. Queneau, Loin de Rueil. 4 October, Philadelphia | 362 — N. V. Gogol, Dead souls (Guerny trans.). 10 October, Philadelphia | 363 — M. Kundera, Ignorance. 15 October, Philadelphia | 364 — G. Perec, Les revenentes. 17 October, Philadelphia | 365 — P. Hensher, The mulberry empire. 24 October, Philadelphia | 366 — R. N. Frye, The heritage of Central Asia. 26 October, Philadelphia | 367 — S. Home, Come before Christ and murder love. 30 October, Philadelphia | 368 — A. Quin, Berg. 1 November, Philadelphia | 369 — A. Quin, Tripticks. 2 November, Philadelphia | 370 — E. Figes, Nelly’s version. 7 November, Philadelphia | 371 — J. Roubaud, Mathématique :. 17 November, Philadelphia | 372 — R. Queneau, Le chiendent. 23 November, Philadelphia | 373 — A. Quin, Three. 24 November, Philadelphia | 374 — A. Quin, Passages. 29 November, Philadelphia | 375 — E. Figes, B. 30 November, Philadelphia | 376 — N. Dennis, Cards of identity. 10 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2003, 377–405.

377 — I. Reed, The freelance pallbearers. 22 March, Philadelphia | 378 — A. Gide, L’Immoraliste. 24 March, Philadelphia | 379 — A. Gide, Les faux-monnayeurs. 29 March, Philadelphia | 380 — H. Mathews, Cigarettes. 31 March, Philadelphia | 381 — E. Todd, Après l’empire. Essai sur la décomposition du système américain. 12 April, Philadelphia | 382 — G. Flaubert, Mémoires d’un fou. 21 April, Philadelphia | 383 — G. Flaubert, L’Education sentimentale (1845 edition). 26 April, Philadelphia | 384 — I. Calvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler. 28 April, Philadelphia | 385 — J. A. van Buitenen, trans., Mahābhārata, Book 1: The book of the beginning. 2 May, Philadelphia | 386 — J. A. van Buitenen, trans., Mahābhārata, Book 2: The book of the assembly hall. 5 June, Philadelphia | 387 — N. Dennis, Cards of identity. 16 June, Philadelphia | 388 — H. Haddad, L’Univers. 22 June, Paris | 389 — R. Daumal, Le Mont Analogue. 3 July, Paris | 390 — R. Daumal, La grande beuverie. 5 July, Paris | 391 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. (1962). New York: Vintage, April 1989. 9 July, Paris | 392 — N. Dennis, A sea change. 20 July, Philadelphia | 393 — N. Dennis, A house in order. 21 July, Philadelphia | 394 — G. Flaubert, L’Education sentimentale. 1 August, Philadelphia | 395 — R. Lowell, For the Union dead. 11 September, Philadelphia | 396 — V. Nabokov, Despair. (1965, 1966). New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 28 September, Philadelphia | 397 — C. R. Brewin, Posttraumatic stress disorder. Malady or myth? 25 October, Philadelphia | 398 — A. Phillips, Darwin’s worms. 5 November, Philadelphia | 399 — B. Toelken, The anguish of snails. 17 November, Philadelphia | 400 — F. Nietzsche, The birth of tragedy. 17 November, Philadelphia | 401 — E. Vila-Matas, Bartleby et compagnie. 26 November, Paris | 402 — E. Vila-Matas, Etrange façon de vivre. 3 December, Paris–Philadelphia | 403 — E. Vila-Matas, Le mal de Montano. 5 December, Philadelphia | 404 — V. Nabokov, Laughter in the dark. (1938, 1966). New York: New Directions, 1991. Third Printing. 11 December, Philadelphia | 405 — S. Rushdie, Shame. 16 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2004, 406–455.

406 — S. Rushdie, Midnight’s children. 1 January, Philadelphia | 407 — J. L. Borges & A. Bioy Casares, Chronicles of Bustos Domecq. 13 January, Philadelphia | 408 — A. Bioy Casares, The dream of heroes. 13 January, Philadelphia | 409 — A. Biely, St. Petersburg. 14 January, Philadelphia | 410 — F. G. Burnaby, A ride to Khiva. 19 January, Philadelphia | 411 — F. M. Bailey, Mission to Tashkent. 20 January, Philadelphia | 412 — E. Vila-Matas, Suicides exemplaires. 26 January, Philadelphia | 413 — D. del Giudice, Le musée de Reims. 27 January, Philadelphia | 414 — G. Perec, Quel petit vélo à guidon chrome au fond de la cour? 8 February, Philadelphia | 415 — R. Fox, The red lamp of incest. 11 February, Philadelphia | 416 — G. Adair, The holy innocents. 15 February, Philadelphia | 417 — R. Dunbar, The trouble with science. 16 February, Philadelphia | 418 — S. B. Hrdy, The woman that never evolved. 18 February, Philadelphia | 419 — F. B. M. de Waal, ed., Tree of origin. 19 February, Philadelphia | 420 — R. Dawkins, The selfish gene (new edition). 3 March, Philadelphia | 421 — M. Zuk, Sexual selections. What we can and can’t learn about sex from animals. 9 March, Philadelphia | 422 — C. Stanford, Upright. 11 March, Philadelphia | 423 — E. L. Schieffelin, The sorrow of the lonely and the burning of the dancers. 17 March, Philadelphia | 424 — V. W. Turner, The ritual process. 23 March, Philadelphia | 425 — J. McLenon, Wondrous healing. 14 April, Philadelphia | 426 — G. Perec, W, ou Le souvenir d’enfance. 19 April, Philadelphia | 427 — D. Freeman, Margaret Mead and Samoa. 21 April, Philadelphia | 428 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 2 June, Philadelphia | 429 — V. Nabokov, Bend sinister. 6 June, Philadelphia | 430 — K. M. Ganguli, trans., Mahāhābharata, vol. 1. Adi parva. 17 June, Philadelphia | 431 — K. M. Ganguli, trans., Mahāhābharata, vol. 2. Sabha parva, Vana parva. 2 August, Philadelphia | 432 — D. Mitchell, Cloud atlas. 24 August, Philadelphia | 433 — D. Mitchell, Number 9 dream. 25 August, Philadelphia | 434 — D. Mitchell, Ghostwritten. 26 August, Philadelphia | 435 — P. Fournel, Besoin de vélo. 13 September, Philadelphia | 436 — J. W. Dunne, An experiment with time. 28 September, Philadelphia | 437 — E. A. Poe, Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. 8 October, Philadelphia | 438 — A. Manguel, A reading diary. 13 October, Philadelphia | 439 — A. Bioy Casares, Asleep in the sun. 15 October, Philadelphia | 440 — A. Manguel, Stevenson under the palm trees. 16 October, Philadelphia | 441 — R. Dawkins, The ancestor’s tale. 20 October, Philadelphia | 442 — M. Lindon, La littérature. 27 October, Philadelphia | 443 — R. de Ceccatty, Fiction douce. 1 November, Philadelphia | 444 — P. Roth, Operation Shylock. 18 November, Philadelphia | 445 — H. Haddad, La culture de l’hystérie n’est pas une spécialité horticole. 22 November, Paris | 446 — J. Verne, Les enfants du capitaine Grant. 25 November, Paris | 447 — E. Vila-Matas, La lecture assassine. 25 November, Paris | 448 — E. Vila-Matas, Paris ne finit jamais. 28 November, Paris | 449 — G. Didi-Huberman, Images malgré tout. 1 December, Paris | 450 — E. Vila-Matas, Imposture. 2 December, Paris | 451 — E. Vila-Matas, Le voyage vertical. 13 December, Philadelphia | 452 — R. Bolaño, Distant star. 13 December, Philadelphia | 453 — R. Bolaño, By nght in Chile. 16 December, Philadelphia | 454 — E. Hazan, L’Invention de Paris. 25 December, Philadelphia | 455 — R. Bolaño, La pista de hielo. 28 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2005, 456–521.

456 — H. Mathews, Cigarettes. 1 January, Philadelphia | 457 — J. Verne, Vingt mille lieues sous la mer. 10 January, Philadelphia | 458 — G. Didi-Huberman, L’Image survivante. 18 January, Philadelphia | 459 — P. Roth, The ghost writer. 21 January, Philadelphia | 460 — R. Musil, The man without qualities, parts I and II (S. Wilkins, trans.). 7 February, Philadelphia | 461 — G. Didi-Huberman, Devant le temps. 23 February, Philadelphia | 462 — R. Musil, The man without qualities, part III (S. Wilkins, trans.). 27 February, Philadelphia | 463 — D. Markson, Vanishing point. 1 March, Philadelphia | 464 — H. Reinheimer, Evolution by co-operation. A study in bio-economics. 3 March, Philadelphia | 465 — N. Baker, The fermata. 7 March, Philadelphia | 466 — H. Reinheimer, Symbiosis. A socio-physiological study of evolution. 23 March, Philadelphia | 467 — R. Fox, Participant observer. 3 May, Philadelphia | 468 — D. Markson, Going down. 5 May, Philadelphia | 469 — M. Lowry, Under the volcano. 9 May, Philadelphia | 470 — H. Mathews, The journalist. 10 May, Philadelphia | 471 — K. Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five. 23 May, Philadelphia | 472 — K. Vonnegut, Galápagos. 24 May, Philadelphia | 473 — H. Mathews, My life in CIA. 25 May, Philadelphia | 474 — K. Vonnegut, Bluebeard. 26 May, Philadelphia | 475 — J. Marías, Your face tomorrow. 3 June, Philadelphia | 476 — E. W. & P. T. Barber, When they severed earth from sky. 7 June, Philadelphia | 477 — R. Dahl, My uncle Oswald. 17 June, Philadelphia | 478 — M. Kundera, Le rideau. 16 July, Philadelphia | 479 — G. Sorrentino, Misterioso. 19 July, Philadelphia | 480 — G. Sorrentino, Mulligan Stew. 25 July, Philadelphia | 481 — H. Fielding, The history of Tom Jones. 6 August, Philadelphia | 482 — W. Abish, 99: The new meaning. 8 August, Philadelphia | 483 — K. M. Ganguli, trans., Mahābhārata, vol. 3 : Vana parvan, part 2. 15 August, Philadelphia | 484 — A. Hiltebeitel, Rethinking the Mahābhārata. 17 August, Philadelphia | 485 — J. Verne, Voyage au centre de la terre. 22 August, Philadelphia | 486 — R. Amundson, The changing role of the embryo in evolutionary thought. 27 August, Philadelphia | 487 — B. Chatwin, The songlines. 31 August, Philadelphia | 488 — R. Queneau, Un rude hiver. 11 September, Philadelphia | 489 — H. G. Wells, Apropos of Dolores. 14 September, Philadelphia | 490 — W. Abish, Eclipse fever. 20 September, Philadelphia | 491 — V. Nabokov, The annotated Lolita, revised and updated. Edited, with preface, introduction, and notes by A. Appel, Jr. (1955, 1970, 1991). New York: Vintage, 1991. 25 September, Philadelphia | 492 — T. Eisner, For love of insects. 30 September, Philadelphia | 493 — H. G. Wells, The history of Mr. Polly. 2 October, Philadelphia | 494 — R. L. Stevenson, Prince Otto. 3 October, Philadelphia | 495 — H. G. Wells, The croquet player. 4 October, Philadelphia | 496 — H. G. Wells, The world of William Clissold, vol. 1. 6 October, Philadelphia | 497 — H.G. Wells, The world of William Clissold, vol. 2. 8 October, Philadelphia | 498 — H. G. Wells, The secret places of the heart. 10 October, Philadelphia | 499 — H. G. Wells, Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island. 11 October, Philadelphia | 500 — H. G. Wells, The research magnificent. 14 October, Philadelphia | 501 — H. G. Wells, The Bulpington of Blup. 18 October, Philadelphia | 502 — A. Robbe-Grillet, Les gommes. 29 October, Philadelphia | 503 — V. Larbaud, Fermina Márquez. 31 October, Philadelphia | 504 — H. G. Wells, The dream. 1 November, Philadelphia | 505 — H. G. Wells, Meanwhile. 4 November, Philadelphia | 506 — H. G. Wells, The passionate friends. 8 November, Philadelphia | 507 — M. Maar, The two Lolitas. 9 November, Philadelphia | 508 — H. G. Wells, The happy turning. 12 November, Philadelphia | 509 — M. Schwob, Le livre de Monelle. 19 November, Paris | 510 — Anonyme, Confession sexuelle d’un Russe du Sud. 21 November, Paris | 511 — J. Verne, Le chancellor. 23 November, Paris | 512 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins! (1974). London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. First UK Edition, 1975. 24 November, Paris | 513 — J. Bouillier, Rapport sur moi. 25 November, Paris | 514 — Oulipo, Moments oulipiens. 27 November, Paris | 515 — V. Nabokov, Speak, Memory. 3 December, Paris | 516 — A. F. Garréta, Pas un jour. 5 December, Paris | 517 — H. G. Wells, The time machine. 23 December, Philadelphia | 518 — H. G. Wells, The island of Doctor Moreau. 24 December, Philadelphia | 519 — H. G. Wells, The invisible man. 24 December, Philadelphia | 520 — H. G. Wells, The war of the worlds. 25 December, Philadelphia | 521 — R. Bolaño, 2666. 27 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2006, 522–564.

522 — H. G. Wells, Experiment in autobiography. 3 January, Philadelphia | 523 — H. G. Wells, Boon. 7 January, Philadelphia | 524 — H. G. Wells, Tono-Bungay. 9 January, Philadelphia | 525 — H. G. Wells, The first men in the moon. 14 January, Philadelphia | 526 — H. G. Wells, The food of the gods. 16 January, Philadelphia | 527 — H. G. Wells, In the days of the comet. 17 January, Philadelphia | 528 — R. Bolaño, Anvers (en traduction française). 27 January, Philadelphia | 529 — M. Boccara, La part animale de l’homme. 29 January, Philadelphia | 530 — M. Atwood, Oryx and Crake. 4 February, Philadelphia | 531 — R. Queneau, Le vol d’Icare. 25 February, Philadelphia | 532 — C. C. Mann, 1491. 12 March, Philadelphia | 533 — J. Barth, Chimera. 21 March, Philadelphia | 534 — H. G. Wells, Mr. Britling sees it through. 20 April, Philadelphia | 535 — H. G. Wells, Christina Alberta’s father. 22 April, Philadelphia | 536 — C. Malamoud, Féminité de la parole. 23 April, Philadelphia | 537 — D. Mitchell, Black Swan Green. 26 April, Philadelphia | 538 — H. G. Wells, First and last things. 2 May, Philadelphia | 539 — H. G. Wells, H. G. Wells in love. 4 May, Philadelphia | 540 — J. Atlan, Éloges des rites et des jeux. 9 May, Philadelphia | 541 — H. G. Wells, The brothers. 13 May, Philadelphia | 542 — C. Malamoud, La danse des pierres. 17 May, Philadelphia | 543 — K. N. Ganguli, trans., Mahābhārata. Virātaparva. 18 May, Philadelphia | 544 — R. Bolaño, Last evenings on earth. 19 May, Philadelphia | 545 — C. Malamoud, Le jumeau solaire. 29 May, Philadelphia | 546 — R. Daumal, La grande beuverie. 4 June, Philadelphia | 547 — R. Bolaño, Los detectives salvajes. 13 June, Philadelphia | 548 — R. Roussel, Impressions d’Afrique. 16 June, Philadelphia | 549 — R. Roussel, L’Étoile au front. 21 June, Philadelphia | 550 — R. Roussel, La poussière de soleils. 22 June, Philadelphia | 551 — R. Roussel, La doublure. 26 June, Philadelphia | 552 — V. Woolf, Orlando. 11 July, Philadelphia | 553 — H. G. Wells, The new Machiavelli. 11 August, Philadelphia | 554 — M. J. Plotkin, Tales of a shaman’s apprentice. 22 August, Monteverde, CR | 555 — E. Vila-Matas, Doctor Pasavento. 26 August, Monteverde | 556 — J. Barnes, Talking it over. 3 November, Monteverde | 557 — J. Roubaud, Nous, les moins-que-rien, fils aînés de personne. 10 November, Paris | 558 — H. Le Tellier, La chapelle sextine. 16 November, Paris | 559 — H. Le Tellier, Esthétique de l’Oulipo. 18 November, Paris | 560 — R. Bolaño, Monsieur Pain (en traduction française). 22 November, Paris | 561 — J. Jouet, L’amour comme on l’apprend à l’École hôtelière. 2 December, Paris | 562 — R. Queneau, Les derniers jours. 3 December, Paris | 563 — H. G. Wells, Star begotten. 13 December, Monteverde | 564 — R. Bolaño, La littérature nazie en Amérique. 26 December, Monteverde.
Books I’ve Read

2007, 565–600.

565 — J. Bens, Genèse de l’Oulipo, 1960–1963. 1 January, Monteverde | 566 — V. Larbaud, A. O. Barnabooth, Son journal intime. 7 January, Monteverde | 567 — A. Jarry, Le surmâle. 10 January, Monteverde | 568 — P. Régibier, Ubu sur la berge. 17 January, Monteverde | 569 — R. Firbank, Vainglory. 19 January, Monteverde | 570 — R. Firbank, Valmouth. 20 January, Monteverde | 571 — V. Woolf, Flush. 26 January, Monteverde | 572 — P. Lieberman, Toward an evolutionary biology of language. 4 February, Monteverde | 573 — C. Darwin, The expression of the emotions in man and animals. 14 February, Monteverde | 574 — D. Powell, A time to be born. 20 February, Monteverde | 575 — P. L. Fermor, A time of gifts. 27 February, Monteverde | 576 — P. L. Fermor, Between the woods and the water. 1 March, Monteverde | 577 — P. Roth, Portnoy’s complaint. 2 March, Monteverde | 578 — G. Picard, Tout le monde devrait écrire. 3 March, Monteverde | 579 — P. Roth, When she was good. 5 March, Monteverde | 580 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. 4 April, Monteverde | 581 — J. Verne, L’île mystérieuse. 26 May, Monteverde | 582 — G. Perec, La vie mode d’emploi. 2 June, Monteverde | 583 — J. Jouet, Sauvage. 3 June, Monteverde | 584 — J. C. Goodale, To sing with pigs is human. 12 June, Monteverde | 585 — J. Jouet, Fins. 13 June, Monteverde | 586 — J. Jouet, Mon bel autocar. 19 June, Monteverde | 587 — R. Queneau, Une histoire modèle. 21 June, Monteverde | 588 — P. Assouline, La cliente. 14 July, Philadelphia | 589 — A. Fuguet, Las películas de mi vida. 25 July, Monteverde | 590 — A. Robbe-Grillet, La jalousie. 28 July, Monteverde | 591 — T. Pynchon, Against the day. 10 August, Monteverde | 592 — M. Butor, L’emploi du temps. 16 August, Monteverde | 593 — M. Leiris, Fourbis. 2 September, Monteverde | 594 — J. Gracq, En lisant, en écrivant. 17 September, Monteverde | 595 — R. Bober, Quoi de neuf sur la guerre. 18 October, Monteverde | 596 — J. Chessex, L’ogre. 22 October, Monteverde | 597 — J. Hilton, Lost horizon. 30 October, Monteverde | 598 — R. Bolaño, Los detectives salvajes. 4 November, Monteverde | 599 — P. Descola, Par-delà nature et culture. 5 November, Monteverde | 600 — D. L. Cheney and R. M. Seyfarth, Baboon metaphysics. 16 November, Monteverde.
Books I’ve Read

2008, 601–648.

601 — W. Faulkner, The wild palms. 9 January, Monteverde | 602 — G. Perec, W, ou le souvenir d’enfance. 14 January, Monteverde | 603 — E. Hemingway, A moveable feast. 15 January, Monteverde | 604 — V. Nabokov, The Luzhin defense. 18 January, Monteverde | 605 — I. Calvino, Si par une nuit d’hiver un voyageur. 22 January, Monteverde | 606 — V. Nabokov, Bend sinister. 23 January, Monteverde | 607 — E. Vila-Matas, Paris no se acaba nunca. 25 January, Monteverde | 608 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 26 January, Monteverde | 609 — E. Vila-Matas, Exploradores del abismo. 5 February, Monteverde | 610 — J. Cortázar and C. Dunlop, Los autonautas de la cosmopista. 13 February, Monteverde | 611 — A. Pauls, El pasado. 21 February, Monteverde | 612 — J. G. Ballard, Empire of the sun. 29 February, Monteverde | 613 — A. Bioy Casares, L’invention de Morel. 4 March, Monteverde | 614 — A. Pauls, Historia del llanto. 5 March, Monteverde | 615 — A. Bioy Casares, Plan d’évasion. 8 March, Monteverde | 616 — R. Bolaño, El secreto del mal. 9 March, Monteverde | 617 — A. Bioy Casares, Journal de la Guerre au Cochon. 11 March, Monteverde | 618 — A. Bioy Casares, Un photographe à La Plata. 13 March, Monteverde | 619 — A. Bioy Casares, Un champion fragile. 16 March, Monteverde | 620 — J. Roubaud, Impératif catégorique. 29 March, Monteverde | 621 — J. Roubaud, Parc Sauvage. 29 March, Monteverde | 622 — M. Leiris, Fibrilles. 10 April, Monteverde | 623 — R. Yates, Revolutionary Road. 21 April, Monteverde | 624 — A. Bryce Echenique, La vida exagerada de Martín Romaña. 1 May, Monteverde | 625 — A. Bryce Echenique, El hombre que hablaba de Octavia de Cádiz. 19 May, Monteverde | 626 — A. Bryce Echenique, Las obras infames de Pancho Marambio. 20 May, Monteverde | 627 — A. Stevens & J. Price, Evolutionary psychiatry. A new beginning. 27 May, Monteverde | 628 — E. Tusquets, Con la miel en los labios. 2 June, Monteverde | 629 — M. Kohan, Ciencias morales. 8 June, Monteverde | 630 — H. G. Wells, The soul of a bishop. 1 July, Vancouver | 631 — V. Woolf, Jacob’s room. 15 July, Vancouver | 632 — R. Queneau, Loin de Rueil. 24 July, Vancouver | 633 — B. Vian, L’écume des jours. 29 July, Vancouver | 634 — R. Jauffret, Asiles de fous. 17 August, Vancouver | 635 — P. Roth, The dying animal. 20 August, Vancouver | 636 — T. Duvert, Abécédaire malveillant. 3 September, Vancouver | 637 — T. Duvert, Un anneau d’argent à l’oreille. 4 September, Vancouver | 638 — A. Jarry, Messaline. 12 September, Vancouver | 639 — S. T. Warner, Lolly Willowes. 3 October, Vancouver | 640 — J. Roubaud, L’abominable tisonnier de John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart. 3 October, Vancouver | 641 — J. Roubaud, Roubaud : Rencontre avec J.-F. Puff. 7 October, Vancouver | 642 — J. McElroy, Lookout Cartridge. 20 October, Vancouver | 643 — T. Duvert, Récidive. 21 October, Vancouver | 644 — A. Rahimi, Syngué sabour. 12 November, Vancouver | 645 — A. Hiltebeitel, The Cult of Draupadi, vol. 1. Mythologies: From Gingee to Kurukshetra. 18 November, Vancouver | 646 — G. Didi-Huberman, Ce que nous voyons, ce qui nous regarde. 13 December, Vancouver | 647 — G. Didi-Huberman, La Ressemblance par contact. 29 December, Vancouver | 648 — M. Énard, Zone. 31 December, Vancouver.
Books I’ve Read

2009, 649–688.

649 — T. D. Worthen, The myth of replacement. 12 January, Vancouver | 650 — K. Garbutt, trans., Mahābhārata, Book 5 : Udyogaparvan, Vol. 1 of 2, Clay Sanskrit Library Edition. 17 January, Vancouver | 651 — M. Bénabou, et al., Un art simple et tout d’exécution. 1 February, Vancouver | 652 — S. B. Roy, Prehistorical lunar astronomy. 4 February, Vancouver | 653 — J. Roubaud and A. F. Garréta, Eros mélancolique. 6 February, Vancouver | 654 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins! 18 February, Vancouver | 655 — V. Nabokov, Transparent things. 24 February, Vancouver | 656 — H. G. Wells, Apropos of Dolores. 27 February, Vancouver | 657 — R. Roussel, Impressions d’Afrique. 3 March, Vancouver | 658 — P. Highsmith, The two faces of January. 26 March, Vancouver | 659 — V. Nabokov, Ada or ardor: A family chronicle. 31 March, Vancouver | 660 — R. Bolaño, 2666 (Anglo-saxon trans.). 23 April, Vancouver | 661 — J. Roubaud, La dissolution. 24 April, Vancouver | 662 — V. Nabokov, Lolita. 28 April, Vancouver | 663 — J. Barnes, England, England. 27 May, Paris | 664 — J. Barnes, Cross channel. 28 May, Paris | 665 — M. Cervantes, Don Quichotte, première partie. 23 June, Vancouver | 666 — C. Bök, Eunoia. 26 June, Vancouver | 667 — M. Cervantes, Don Quichotte, deuxième partie. 14 July, Vancouver | 668 — P. MacNeilage, The origin of speech. 19 July, Vancouver | 669 — D. Falk, Finding our tongues. 27 July, Vancouver | 670 — K. Garbutt, trans., Mahābhārata, Book 5 : Udyogaparvan, Vol. 2 of 2, Clay Sanskrit Library Edition. 30 July, Vancouver | 671 — S. Chevalier-Skolnikoff, The ontogeny of communication in the stumptail macaque (Macaca arctoides). 2 August, Vancouver | 672 — A. Minelli, Forms of becoming. The evolutionary biology of development. 8 August, Vancouver | 673 — E. Vila-Matas, Dietario voluble. 15 August, Vancouver | 674 — P. Bayard, Le plagiat par anticipation. 18 August, Vancouver | 675 — D. Foenkinos, Qui se souvient de David Foenkinos? 25 August, Vancouver | 676 — R. Queneau, Le chiendent. 28 August, Vancouver | 677 — J. Huizinga, Homo ludens. A study of the play element in culture. 11 September, Vancouver | 678 — F. O’Brien, At Swim-Two-Birds. 20 September, Vancouver | 679 — F. O’Brien, The Dalkey archive. 23 September, Vancouver | 680 — S. B. Hrdy, Mothers and others. The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding. 3 October, Vancouver | 681 — A. Testart, Les chasseurs-cueilleurs, ou l’origine des inégalités. 18 October, Vancouver | 682 — J. Roubaud, Le chevalier Silence, une aventure des temps aventureux. 16 November, Vancouver | 683 — V. Nabokov, The original of Laura. 16 November, Vancouver | 684 — R. Fox, The red lamp of incest. An enquiry into the origins of mind and society. 20 November, Vancouver | 685 — J. Roubaud, La belle Hortense. 22 November, Vancouver | 686 — G. Perec, La disparition. 3 December, Vancouver | 687 — R. de Montesquiou, Raymond Roussel, un auteur difficile. 4 December, Vancouver | 688 — R. Queneau, Loin de Rueil. 19 December, Vancouver.
Books I’ve Read

2010, 689–739.

689 — H. G. Wells, Apropos of Dolores. 12 January, Vancouver | 690 — M. S. Strickland, Divastigations. 14 January, Vancouver | 691 — C. Einstein, Bebuquin. 29 January, Vancouver | 692 — B. S. Johnson, Travelling people. 30 January, Vancouver | 693 — B. S. Johnson, Trawl. 1 February, Vancouver | 694 — B. S. Johnson, Albert Angelo. 6 February, Vancouver | 695 — H. G. Wells, The world of William Clissold. 6 February, Vancouver | 696 — R. L. Stevenson, Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 13 February, Vancouver | 697 — J. Verne, Le tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours. 15 February, Vancouver | 698 — D. Foenkinos, La délicatesse. 2 March, Vancouver | 699 — I. Compton-Burnett, Dolores. 8 March, Vancouver | 700 — D. Chattopadhyaya, Lokāyata. A study in ancient Indian materialism. 9 March, Vancouver | 701 — A. Sen, The argumentative Indian. 12 March, Vancouver | 702 — D. Chattopadhyaya, Science and society in ancient India. 3 April, Vancouver | 703 — M. Kennedy, The constant nymph (novel). 3 May, Vancouver | 704 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, La folie Hubert. 17 May, Newark, DE | 705 — V. Nabokov, The annotated Lolita, revised and updated. (Edited, with preface, introduction, and notes by A. Appel, Jr. (1955, 1970, 1991). New York: Vintage, 1991.) 30 May, Newark, DE. | 706 — M. Leiris, Biffures. 8 June, Newark, DE | 707 — H.-R. Lenormand, Les confessions d’un auteur dramatique (vol. 1). 20 June, Newark, DE | 708 — P. Mac Orlan, Quartier réservé. 21 June, Newark, DE | 709 — H.-R. Lenormand, Le temps est un songe. 22 June, Newark, DE | 710 — H.-R. Lenormand, Les ratés. 23 June, Newark, DE | 711 — H.-R. Lenormand, L’homme et ses fantômes. 25 June, Newark, DE | 712 — H. G. Wells, Brynhild, or the show of things. 27 June, Newark, DE | 713 — H. G. Wells, The Camford visitation. 28 June, Newark, DE | 714 — H. G. Wells, The holy terror. 7 July, Newark, DE | 715 — F. Mauriac, Le nœud de vipères. 11 July, Newark, DE | 716 — P. Mac Orlan, Dinah Miami. 31 July, Newark, DE | 717 — P. Mac Orlan, La bandera. 1 August, Newark, DE | 718 — P. Mac Orlan, La Vénus Internationale. 6 August, Newark, DE | 719 — P. Mac Orlan, Le quai des brumes. 6 August, Newark, DE | 720 — R. Queneau, Odile. 8 August, Newark, DE | 721 — E. Vila-Matas, Dublinesca. 9 September, Barcelona | 722 — N. Amat, Escribir y callar. 17 September, Barcelona | 723 — E. Vila-Matas, Perder teorías. 23 September, Barcelona | 724 — R. Piglia, Blanco nocturno. 25 September, Barcelona | 725 — J. Roubaud, Le grand incendie de Londres. 29 September, Barcelona | 726 — A. Quiller-Couch, Foe-Farrell. 2 October, Barcelona | 727 — H. Salvador, En la ciudad he perdido una novela.... 7 October, Barcelona | 728 — H. G. Wells, The wheels of chance. A bicycling idyll. 14 October, Barcelona | 729 — N. Amat, La intimidad. 16 October, Barcelona | 730 — H. G. Wells, Love and Mr. Lewisham. 17 October, Barcelona | 731 — J. Banville, The book of evidence. 21 October, Barcelona | 732 — J. R. Ribeyro, Prosas apátridas. 28 October, Barcelona | 733 — P. Modiano, L’horizon. 31 October, Barcelona | 734 — P. Modiano, Un pedigree. 4 November, Barcelona | 735 — R. Jarrell, Pictures from an institution. 18 November, Barcelona | 736 — R. Bober, On ne peut plus dormir tranquille quand on a une fois ouvert les yeux. 1 December, Barcelona | 737 — A. Pauls, El factor Borges. 10 December, Barcelona | 738 — J. Roubaud, La Boucle. 15 December, Barcelona | 739 — M. de Kerangal, Naissance d’un pont. 22 December, Barcelona.
Books I’ve Read

2011, 740–781.

740 — G. Josipovici, What ever happened to modernism?. 5 January, Barcelona | 741 — J. Banville, The untouchable. 11 January, Barcelona | 742 — J. Banville, The sea. 19 January, Barcelona | 743 — J. Roubaud, Mathématique :. 21 January, Barcelona | 744 — R. Penrose, Ciclos del tiempo. 30 January, Barcelona | 745 — A. Aveni, Conversing with the planets. How science and myth created the cosmos. 13 March, Barcelona | 746 — A. Bennett, How to live on 24 hours a day. 14 March, Barcelona | 747 — A. Aveni, Empires of time. Calendars, clocks and cultures. 5 April, Barcelona | 748 — H. Melville, Pierre, or the ambiguities. 21 April, Barcelona (1852). New York: Penguin, 1996. | 749 — J. Gracq, Le rivage des Syrtes. 28 April, Barcelona | 750 — R. Queneau, Un rude hiver. 2 May, Barcelona | 751 — H.-R. Lenormand, Le jardin sur la glace. 12 May, Barcelona | 752 — D. Barnes, Nightwood. 16 May, Barcelona | 753 — M. Leiris, L’âge d’homme. 20 May, Barcelona | 754 — R. K. Narayan, The financial expert. 24 May, Barcelona | 755 — H. G. Wells, Bealby, a holiday. 29 May, Barcelona | 756 — H. G. Wells, The sea lady, a tissue of moonshine. 30 May, Barcelona | 757 — M. Konner, The evolution of childhood. 10 June, Barcelona | 758 — T. Parks, Europa. 29 June, Newark, DE | 759 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, La folie Hubert. 5 July, Newark, DE | 760 — H.-R. Lenormand, Une fille est une fille. 13 July, Newark, DE | 761 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Champsecret. 10 August, Chennai | 762 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Le pouvoir absolu. 15 August, Chennai | 763 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, L’homme du Brésil. 17 August, Chennai | 764 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Cœur de Russie. 19 August, Chennai | 765 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Menaces de mort. 22 August, Chennai | 766 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Les clefs de la caisse. 24 August, Chennai | 767 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, La route de Berlin. 26 August, Chennai | 768 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Conquête de la Bourgogne. 3 September, Chennai | 769 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Le chant du départ. 10 September, Chennai | 770 — R. Bourget-Pailleron, Les enfants perdus. 21 September, Chennai | 771 — W. Dalrymple, Nine lives. In search of the sacred in modern India. 25 September, Chennai | 772 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 4 October, Chennai | 773 — V. Nabokov, Bend sinister. 8 October, Chennai | 774 — V. Nabokov, Pnin. 12 October, Chennai | 775 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins!. 17 October, Chennai | 776 — R. Dunbar, How many friends does one person need? Dunbar’s number and other evolutionary quirks. 18 October, Chennai | 777 — V. Nabokov, Transparent things. 22 October, Chennai | 778 — R. Bolaño, El Tercer Reich. 3 November, Chennai | 779 — T. J. Tejpal, The valley of masks. 9 November, Chennai | 780 — J. Bouveresse, Esais I. Wittgenstein, la modernité, le progrès, & le déclin. 16 November, Chennai | 781 — J. Bouveresse, Essais II. L’époque, la mode, la morale, la satire. 29 November, Chennai.
Books I’ve Read

2012, 782–818.

782 — B. Vian, Vercoquin et le plancton. 2 January, Tampa–Houston | 783 — G. Didi-Huberman, Écorces. 2 January, Houston | 784 — H. Le Tellier, Eléctro W. 13 January, Chennai | 785 — H. Le Tellier, Assez parlé d’amour. 14 January, Chennai | 786 — A. Brotchie, Alfred Jarry. A pataphysical life. 23 January, Chennai | 787 — P. Fournel, La liseuse. 31 January, Paris | 788 — H. Le Tellier, Encyclopaedia inutilis. 4 February, Madrid | 789 — H. Mathews & H. U. Obrist, Conversation. 9 February, Paris | 790 — C. Poschenrieder, Le monde est dans la tête. 21 February, Chennai | 791 — S. Deb, The beautiful and the damned. Life in the New India. 24 February, Chennai | 792 — H. H. Jahnn, Le navire de bois. Fleuve sans rives, 1. 29 February, Chennai | 793 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. 14 March, Chennai | 794 — H. H. Jahnn, Les cahiers de Gustav Anias Horn, tome I. Fleuve sans rives, 2. 21 March, Chennai | 795 — O. Pamuk, The naive and sentimental novelist. 7 April, Mumbai | 796 — H. Melville, The confidence man. 21 April, Chennai | 797 — G. Didi-Huberman, Atlas, ou le gai savoir inquiet. L’œil de l’histoire, 3. 10 May, Chennai | 798 — H. H Jahnn, Les cahiers de Gustav Anias Horn, tome II. Fleuve sans rive, 3. 23 May, Chennai | 799 — A. Hiltebeitel, The ritual of battle. Krishna in the Mahābhārata. 30 May, Chennai | 800 — V. Nabokov, Lolita. 6 June, Chennai | 801 — P. Modiano, Rue des Boutiques Obscures. 15 July, Chennai | 802 — I. Calvino, Six memos for the next millennium. 20 July, Chennai | 803 — J. Volpi, Leer la mente. El cerebro y el arte de la ficción. 24 July, Chennai | 804 — T. Mackintosh-Smith, Landfalls. On the edge of Islam from Zanzibar to the Alhambra. 31 July, Chennai | 805 — E. Paz Soldan, El delirio de Turing. 9 August, Chennai | 806 — W. Kaufmann, Without guilt and justice. From decidophobia to autonomy. 25 August, Chennai | 807 — S. Mithen, The singing Neanderthals. The origins of music, language, mind and body. 1 September, Chennai | 808 — B. J. King, ed., The origins of language. What nonhuman primates can tell us. 7 September, Chennai | 809 — W. C. Williams, The great American novel. 8 September, Chennai | 810 — J. McElroy, A smuggler’s Bible. 12 September, Chennai | 811 — R. K. Narayan, Waiting for the Mahātma. 25 September, Chennai | 812 — R. Safranski, Schopenhauer and the wild years of philosophy. 7 November, Chennai | 813 — E. Bove, Un homme qui savait. 8 November, Chennai | 814 — E. Bove, Mémoires d’un homme singulier. 16 November, Chennai | 815 — E. Chevillard, L’auteur et moi. 18 November, Chennai | 816 — E. Vila-Matas, Aire de Dylan. 27 November, Chennai | 817 — V. Nabokov, Despair. 17 December, Philadelphia | 818 — V. Nabokov, The eye. 21 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2013, 819–863.

819 — J. Barth, The sot-weed factor. 23 January, New York | 820 — D. Levin Becker, Many subtle channels. In praise of potential literature. 29 January, Chennai | 821 — S. Nalbantian, et al., eds., The memory process. Neuroscientific and humanistic perspectives. 4 February, Chennai | 822 — R. Gary, Les cerfs-volants. 13 February, Chennai | 823 — F. Nietzsche, Human, all too human, II (Stanford University Press). 27 February, Chennai | 824 — J. Barth, Sabbatical. 2 March, Chennai | 825 — S. W. Porges, The polyvagal theory. Neurophysiological foundations of emotions, attachment, communication, and self-regulation. 7 March, Chennai | 826 — T. Pynchon, Mason & Dixon. 1 April, Chennai | 827 — M. Proust, Du côté de chez Swann. 8 April, Chennai | 828 — F. Nietzsche, Dawn (Stanford University Press). 29 April, Chennai | 829 — D. F. Wallace, Infinite jest. 3 May, Chennai | 830 — J. Bouveresse, Essais III. Wittgenstein et les sortilèges du langage. 14 May, Chennai | 831 — J. Panksepp, Affective neuroscience. The foundations of human and animal emotions. 8 June, Chennai | 832 — M. Couturier, Nabokov, ou la tentation française. 12 June, Frankfurt–Philadelphia | 833 — J. C. Scott, Two cheers for anarchy. Six easy pieces on autonomy, dignity, and meaningful work and play. 19 June, Philadelphia | 834 — M. Maar, Speak, Nabokov. 24 June, Boulder | 835 — T. Parks, Adultery, and other diversions. 1 July, Los Angeles–San Francisco | 836 — T. Eagleton, Figures of dissent. Critical essays on Fish, Spivak, Žižek, and others. 12 July, Newark, DE | 837 — P. Modiano, Chien de printemps. 14 July, Newark, DE | 838 — J. L. Carter, Nymphet. 28 July, Chennai | 839 — G. Nicholson, The lost art of walking. The history, science, philosophy, and literature of pedestrianism. 4 August, Chennai | 840 — L. Smolin, Time reborn. From the crisis in physics to the future of the universe. 5 August, Chennai | 841 — R. Safranski, Nietzsche. A philosophical biography. 18 August, Chennai | 842 — T. Eagleton, The function of criticism. From The Spectator to post-structuralism. 22 August, Chennai | 843 — H. Ellis, The dance of life. 30 August, Chennai | 844 — G. Bataille, The accursed share. An essay on general economy. Volume I, Consumption. 8 September, Chennai | 845 — P. Modiano, Quartier perdu. 14 September, Chennai | 846 — T. Parks, Destiny. 20 September, Houston (Cypress) | 847 — H. G. Wells, Babes in the darkling woods. A novel of ideas. 22 September, Houston (Cypress) | 848 — T. Eagleton, Walter Benjamin, or towards a revolutionary criticism. 28 September, Chennai | 849 — T. Parks, Shear. 2 October, Chennai | 850 — T. Parks, Mimi’s ghost. 4 October, Chennai | 851 — M. Proust, À l’ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs. 11 October, Chennai | 852 — T. Eagleton, The event of literature. 15 October, Chennai | 853 — W. T. Vollmann, You bright and risen angels. 24 October, Chennai | 854 — E. Bove, Mes amis. 31 October, Paris | 855 — G. Perec/Oulipo, Le voyage d’hiver et ses suites. 6 November, Chennai | 856 — P. Fournel, Jason Murphy. 7 November, Chennai | 857 — L.-P. Guigues, Labyrinthes. 27 November, Chennai | 858 — L.-P. Guigues, Lisbeth. 28 November, Chennai | 859 — F. Nietzsche, The gay science (Cambridge ed., J. Nauckhoff trans.). 29 November, Chennai | 860 — C. Brossard, As the wolf howls at my door. 3 December, Chennai | 861 — P. Fournel, Anquetil tout seul. 20 December, Chennai | 862 — R. Queneau, Les fleurs bleus. 23 December, Hanoi | 863 — J.-M. Laclavetine, Petit éloge du temps présent. 29 December, Saigon.
Books I’ve Read

2014, 864–914.

864 — P. Modiano, Voyage de noces. 3 January, Chennai | 865 — K. Marx, Capital, A critique of political economy. Volume 1, The process of capitalist production. S. Moore & E. Aveling, trans. 4 January, Chennai | 866 — B. Vian, J’irai cracher sur vos tombes. 6 January, Chennai | 867 — B. Vian, Et on tuera tous les affreux. 7 January, Chennai | 868 — H. G. Wells, The History of Mr. Polly. 10 January, Chennai | 869 — G. Moore, Nietzsche, biology and metaphor. 14 January, Chennai | 870 — K. Flannery and J. Marcus, The creation of inequality. 7 February, Chennai | 871 — R. K. Narayan, The guide. 15 February, Chennai | 872 — J. Panksepp and L. Biven, The archaeology of mind. Neuroevolutionary origins of human emotions. 7 March, Houston (Cypress) | 873 — A. Testart, Avant l’histoire. L’évolution des sociétés de Lascaux à Carnac. 20 March, Houston (Cypress) | 874 — D. Harvey, Rebel cities. From the right to the city to the urban revolution. 23 March, Houston (Cypress) | 875 — A. Barnard, Social anthropology and human origins. 26 March, Houston (Cypress) | 876 — D. Harvey, The condition of post-modernity. An enquiry into the origins of cultural change. 3 April, Chennai | 877 — M. Proust, Le côté de Guermantes. 11 April, Chennai | 878 — D. Harvey, The enigma of capital and the crises of capitalism. 11 April, Chennai | 879 — R. Queneau, Un rude hiver. 18 April, Chennai | 880 — J.-Y. Jouannais, Les artistes sans œuvres (I would prefer not to). 10 May, Philadelphia | 881 — U. Eco, Confessions of a young novelist. 14 May, Philadelphia | 882 — D. Harvey, Seventeen contradictions and the end of capitalism. 25 May, Philadelphia | 883 — P. Wiley, The end of the dream. 28 May, Philadelphia | 884 — A. Gorz, Critique of economic reason. 5 June, Philadelphia–Atlanta–Houston | 885 — G. Didi-Huberman, Phalènes. Essais sur l’apparition, 2. 1 July, Philadelphia | 886 — T. Eagleton, Why Marx was right. 9 July, Newark, DE | 887 — M. Wood, The magician’s doubts. Nabokov and the risks of fiction. 15 July, Philadelphia | 888 — D. Harvey, Paris, capital of modernity. 16 July, Boston–Paris | 889 — D. Foenkinos, Je vais mieux. 21 July, Paris | 890 — F. Gros, Marcher, une philosophie. 28 July, Paris | 891 — A. Testart, L’Amazone et la cuisinière. Anthropologie de la division du travail. 2 August, Paris | 892 — D. Harvey, Cosmopolitanism and the geographies of freedom. 17 August, Philadelphia | 893 — R. Queneau, Les enfants du Limon. 18 August, Philadelphia | 894 — H. Lefebvre, Métaphilosophie. 21 August, Philadelphia | 895 — H. Lefebvre, Le droit à la ville. 25 August, Philadelphia | 896 — H. Lefebvre, Espace et politique. Le droit à la ville, II. 29 August, Philadelphia | 897 — S. Hustvedt, The blazing world. 11 September, Philadelphia | 898 — A. Powell, Books do furnish a room. 17 September, Philadelphia | 899 — J. Jouet, Le cocommuniste. 1 October, Philadelphia | 900 — B. Lerner, 10:04. 3 October, Philadelphia | 901 — A. Powell, The soldier’s art. 6 October, Philadelphia | 902 — D. Mitchell, The bone clocks. 9 October, Philadelphia | 903 — H. Jacobson, J. 25 October | 904 — I. Stavans & J. Villoro, El ojo en la nuca. 25 October, Philadelphia | 905 — P. Modiano, La place de l’étoile. 27 October, Philadelphia | 906 — D. Johnson, Resuscitation of a hanged man. 27 October, Philadelphia | 907 — J. Crary, 24/7. Late capitalism and the ends of sleep. 16 November, Philadelphia | 908 — M. Bénabou, Pourquoi je n’ai écrit aucun de mes livres. 24 November, Philadelphia | 909 C. Aira, La costurera y el viento. 4 December, Philadelphia | 910 — M. Bull, Anti-Nietzsche. 5 December, Philadelphia | 911 — H. Lefebvre, La production de l’espace. 10 December, Philadelphia | 912 — D. G. White, The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. A biography. 13 December, Philadelphia | 913 — J.-M. Blas de Roblès, L’Île du Point Némo. 20 December, Philadelphia | 914 — D. Harvey, A brief history of neoliberalism. 26 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2015, 915–972

915 — J.-M. Blas de Roblès, Là où les tigres sont chez eux. 18 January, Philadelphia | 916 — I. Ducasse, Poésies I, II. 18 January, Philadelphia | 917 — H. Lefebvre, Introduction à la modernité. Préludes. 23 January, Philadelphia | 918 — E. Bellamy, Dr. Heidenhoff’s process. 28 January, Philadelphia | 919 — E. Bellamy, Looking backward. 29 January, Philadelphia | 920 — A. Jarry, Les jours et les nuits. 4 February, Philadelphia | 921 — E. Chevillard, Le désordre azerty. 16 February, Philadelphia | 922 — H. Lefebvre, Critique of everyday life, vol. I. 19 February, Philadelphia | 923 — D. Harvey, The limits to capital. New and fully updated edition. 23 February, Philadelphia | 924 — B. Lerner, Leaving the Atocha Station. 28 February, Philadelphia | 925 — D. Harvey, Spaces of hope. 9 March, Philadelphia | 926 — S. Sand, How I stopped being a Jew. 19 March, Philadelphia | 927 — P. R. Barchas and S. P. Mendoza, eds., Social cohesion. Essays toward a sociophysiological perspective. 28 March, Houston (Cypress) | 928 — R. Holmes, Eleanor Marx. A life. 7 April, Philadelphia | 929 — M. Proust, Sodome et Gomorrhe. 9 April, Philadelphia | 930 — J. Bricmont, Impérialisme humanitaire. 15 April, Philadelphia | 931 — H. Lefebvre, Vers le cybernanthrope. 21 April, Philadelphia | 932 — A. Roy, Walking with the comrades. 23 April, Philadelphia | 933 — H. G. Wells, The research magnificent. 28 April, Philadelphia | 934 — H. G. Wells, The open conspiracy. 30 April, Philadelphia | 935 — P. Le Blanc, Unfinished Leninism. 7 May, Philadelphia | 936 — H. Lefebvre, Logique formelle, logique dialectique. 8 May, Philadelphia | 937 — K. Ross, Communal luxury. The political imaginary of the Paris Commune. 10 May, Philadelphia | 938 — H. G. Wells, The Bulpington of Blup. 13 May, Philadelphia | 939 — N. Smith, Uneven development. 27 May, Philadelphia | 940 — J. Verne, Le château des Carpathes. 31 May, Philadelphia | 941 — W. Davies, The happiness industry. 3 June, Philadelphia | 942 — P. Lewinska, Vingt mois à Auschwitz. 4 June, Philadelphia | 943 — D. Harvey, Spaces of global capitalism. 8 June, Philadelphia | 944 — C. Ward, Anarchy in action. 12 June, Philadelphia | 945 — D. Harvey, The new imperialism. 23 June, Houston (Cypress) | 946 — J. Berger, Hold everything dear. Dispatches on survival and resistance. 25 June, Houston (Cypress) | 947 — J. Berryman, The dream songs. 1 July, Philadelphia | 948 — D. Harvey, Social justice and the city. Revised edition. 3 July, Philadelphia | 949 — B. R. Ambedkar, Annihilation of caste. The annotated critical edition. 12 July, Philadelphia | 950 — H. Lefebvre, La somme et le reste. 29 July, Chennai | 951 — H. Lefebvre, Le matérialisme dialectique. 2 August, Chennai | 952 — N. Guterman et H. Lefebvre, La conscience mystifiée. 12 August, Chennai | 953 — J.-L. Vaudroyer, Laure et Laurence. 13 August, Chennai | 954 — M. Bookchin, Post-scarcity anarchism. 18 August, Chennai | 955 — R. Levins & R. Lewontin, The dialectical biologist. 24 August, Chennai | 956 — F. Pessoa, The book of disquiet (R. Zenith, trans. and ed.). 27 August, Chennai | 957 — M. Bookchin, The ecology of freedom. The emergence and dissolution of hierarchy. 11 September, Chennai | 958 — G. Gorer, The revolutionary ideas of the Marquis de Sade. 14 September, Chennai | 959 — H. Haddad, Corps désirable. 5 October, Chennai | 960 — J.-P. Toussaint, La salle de bain. 6 October, Chennai | 961 — J.-P. Toussaint, Monsieur. 6 October, Chennai | 962 — H. Lefebvre, Au-delà du structuralisme. 14 October, Chennai | 963 — H. Lefebvre, La survie du capitalisme. La reproduction des rapports de production. 20 October, Chennai | 964 — V. Nabokov, Despair. 27 October, Chennai | 965 — E. Goldman, Anarchism and other essays. 30 October, Chennai | 966 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins!. 5 November, Chennai | 967 — K. Polanyi, The great transformation. The political and economic origins of our time. 17 November, Chennai | 968 — D. Harvey, Seventeen contradictions and the end of capitalism. 26 November, Chennai | 969 — R. Fox, The Keresan Bridge. A problem in Pueblo ethnology. 1 December, Chennai | 970 — E. Bloch, Le principe espérance, tome I. 8 December, Chennai | 971 — M. Proust, La prisonnière. 15 December, Chennai | 972 — D. Harvey, Rebel cities. From the right to the city to the urban revolution. 30 December, Hoi An.
Books I’ve Read

2016, 973–1014

973 — L. Binet, La septième fonction du langage. 10 January, Chennai | 974 — T. Parks, Painting death. 12 January, Chennai | 975 — W. Self, Shark. 13 January, Chennai | 976 — D. Harvey, The condition of post-modernity. An enquiry into the origins of cultural change. 7 February, Chennai | 977 — D. Harvey, A companion to Marx’s Capital, volume two. 13 February, Chennai | 978 — W. Benjamin, Écrits français. 18 February, Chennai | 979 — J. Joyce, Ulysses. 24 February, Chennai | 980 — H. Lefebvre, Critique de la vie quotidienne, III. 14 March, Chennai | 981 — W. Doniger, The mare’s trap. Nature and culture in the Kāmasūtra. 27 March, Chennai | 982 — T. Badrinath, Madras, Chennai, and the self. Conversations with the city. 29 March, Chennai | 983 — M. Proust, La fugitive. 4 April, Chennai | 984 — J. Grave, La société mourante et l’anarchie. 5 April, Chennai | 985 — T. M. Krishna, A southern music. The Karnatic story. 8 April, Chennai | 986 — J. Verne, Le rayon vert. 24 April, Chennai | 987 — C. Geertz, Available light. Anthropological reflections on philosophical topics. 26 April, Chennai | 988 — K. Marx & F. Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party. (1888 trans.) 1 May, Chennai | 989 — J. McElroy, Women and men. 10 May, Chennai | 990 — H. Lefebvre, Critique de la vie quotidienne, II. Fondements d’une sociologie de la quotidienneté. 14 May, Chennai | 991 — H. Lefebvre, L’existentialisme. 4 June, Chennai | 992 — R. Solnit, Wanderlust. A history of walking. 28 June, Philadelphia | 993 — D. Graeber, Debt. The first 5,000 years. 23 July, Chennai | 994 — M. Bookchin, The next revolution. Popular assemblies and the promise of direct democracy. 29 July, Chennai | 995 — D. Graeber, The utopia of rules. On technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy. 4 August, Chennai | 996 — M. Bookchin, Urbanization without cities. The rise and decline of citizenship. 13 August, Chennai | 997 — R. Leonhart, Dolores! A tale of Maine and Italy. 24 August, Chennai | 998 — E. Vila-Matas, Kassel no invita a la lógica. 22 September, Chennai | 999 — M. de Sade, La nouvelle Justine, ou Les malheurs de la vertu, t. I. 22 September, Chennai | 1000 — W. S. Maugham, The moon and sixpence. 23 September, Chennai | 1001 — M. Horkheimer & T. W. Adorno, Dialectic of enlightenment. 27 September, Chennai | 1002 — D. Graeber, The democracy project. A history, a crisis, a movement. 10 October, Chennai | 1003 — M. de Sade, La nouvelle Justine, ou Les malheurs de la vertu, t. II. 21 October, Chennai | 1004 — P. Goodman, Growing up absurd. Problems of youth in the organized society. 25 October, Chennai | 1005 — E. Bloch, Le principe espérance, tome II. Les épures d’un monde meilleur. 2 November, Chennai | 1006 — N. Chomsky, Who rules the world? 4 November, Chennai | 1007 — G. Stedman Jones, Karl Marx. Greatness and illusion. 14 November, Chennai | 1008 — H. Lefebvre, La pensée marxiste et la ville. 18 November, Chennai | 1009 — V. Nabokov, Bend sinister. 20 November, Chennai | 1010 — N. Srnicek & A. Williams, Inventing the future. Post-capitalism and a world without work. 23 November, Chennai | 1011 — J. London, The Iron Heel. 29 November, Chennai | 1012 — F. Fanon, Les damnés de la terre. 20 November, Chennai | 1013 — H. Lefebvre, The sociology of Marx (N. Guterman trans.). 7 December, Chennai | 1014 — T. Eagleton, Culture. 24 December, Penang.
Books I’ve Read

2017, 1015–1077

1015 — D. L. Eck, Banaras. City of light. 5 January, Chennai | 1016 — B. Kunkel, Utopia or bust. A guide to the present crisis. 6 January, Chennai | 1017 — E. Bloch, Rêve diurne, station debout & utopie concrète. Ernst Bloch en dialogue. Entretiens avec J. Marchand (1974), traduits, présenté et annotés par A. Münster. 13 January, Paris | 1018 — A. Gorz, Capitalisme, socialisme, écologie. Désorientations, orientations. 20 January, Barcelona | 1019 — B. Lerner, The hatred of poetry. 25 January, Madrid | 1020 — C. Fourel, ed., André Gorz. Un penseur pour le XXIe siècle. 29 January, Madrid | 1021 — A. Gorz, Lettre à D. Histoire d'un amour. 4 February, Paris | 1022 — P. Ourednik, La fin du monde n’aurait pas eu lieu. 4 February, Paris | 1023 — S. Sand, Les mots et la terre. Les intellectuels en Israël. 17 February, Chennai | 1024 — W. Self, How the dead live. 19 February, Chennai | 1025 — W. Self, Cock & Bull. 21 February, Chennai | 1026 — S. Lewis, It can’t happen here. 22 February, Chennai | 1027 — S. Lewis, World so wide. 27 February, Chennai | 1028 — W. Self, Great apes. 3 March, Chennai | 1029 — R. Sattouf, L’Arabe du futur, t. I. Une jeunesse au Moyen Orient (1978–1984) [BD]. 5 March, Chennai | 1030 — S. Anderson, Dark laughter. 7 March, Chennai | 1031 — R. Sattouf, L’Arabe du futur, t. II. Une jeunesse au Moyen Orient (1984–1985) [BD]. 8 March, Chennai | 1032 — S. Sand, Comment le peuple Juif fut inventé. De la Bible au sionisme. 9 March, Chennai | 1033 — S. Alba Rico, Penúltimos días. Mercancías, máquinas, hombres. 16 March, Chiang-rai | 1034 — A. Barnard, Genesis of symbolic thought. 19 March, Bangkok–Chennai | 1035 — P. Carey, My life as a fake. 20 March, Chennai | 1036 — P. Beatty, The sellout. 22 March, Chennai | 1037 — F. de Waal, Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are?. 8 April, Chennai | 1038 — A. Gorz, Le fil rouge de l’écologie. Interviews inédits en français. 8 April Chennai | 1039 — P. Mishra, Age of anger. A history of the present. 13 April, Chennai | 1040 — R. Luxemburg, The accumulation of capital, or what the epigones have made of Marx’s theory. An anti-critique. 14 April, Chennai | 1041 — C. Invisible, À nos amis. 19 April, Chennai | 1042 — J.-Y. Jouannais, L’Usage des ruines. 23 April, Los Angeles | 1043 — J. Tanizaki, Devils in daylight (J. K. Vincent, trans.). 26 April, Chennai | 1044 — F. de Waal, Good natured. The origins of right and wrong in humans and other animals. 27 April, Chennai | 1045 — J. Lethem, A gambler’s anatomy. 28 April, Chennai | 1046 — S. Sand, Comment la terre d’Israël fut inventée. De la terre sainte à la mère patrie. 30 April, Chennai | 1047 — A. G. Biuso, Anarchisme et anthropologie. Pour une politique matérialiste de la limite. 4 May, Chennai | 1048 — D. Foenkinos, Le mystère Henri Pick. 18 June, Washington, D. C. | 1049 — W. Self, The quantity theory of insanity. 5 July, Berkeley | 1050 — W. C. Roberts, Marx’s Inferno. The political theory of Capital. 10 July, Newark, DE | 1051 — T. Eagleton, Materialism. 14 July, Philadelphia | 1052 — P. Anderson, The antinomies of Antonio Gramsci. 17 July, Philadelphia | 1053 — T. Parks, In extremis. 28 July, Chennai | 1054 — W. Self, The book of Dave. A revelation of the recent past and the distant future. 1 August, Chennai | 1055 — S. Lewis, The prodigal parents. 6 August, Chennai | 1056 — W. Self, Phone. 14 August, Chennai | 1057 — A. Roy, The ministry of utmost happiness. 17 August, Chennai | 1058 — L. Smolin, The life of the cosmos. 25 August, Chennai | 1059 — R. Queneau, Saint Glinglin. 25 August, Chennai | 1060 — E. Vila-Matas, Mac y su contratiempo. 8 September, Chennai | 1061 — A. Huxley, Brave new world. 9 September, Chennai | 1062 — S. Sand, La fin de l’intellectuel français? De Zola à Houellebecq. 10 September, Chennai | 1063 — A. Ross, The Chicago gangster theory of life. Nature’s debt to society. 15 September, Chennai | 1064 — D. Harvey, Marx, capital, and the madness of economic reason. 22 September, Chennai | 1065 — A. Césaire, Discours sur le colonialisme, suivi de Discours sur la négritude. 23 September, Chennai | 1066 — A. Testart, Critique du don. Études sur la circulation non marchande. 8 October, Chennai | 1067 — A. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin. A novel in verse (V. Nabokov, trans.). 13 October, Chennai | 1068 — M. Vázquez Montalbán, Los pájaros de Bangkok. 31 October, Chennai | 1069 — G. du Maurier, Trilby, 3 vols. 8, 10, 14 November, Chennai | 1070 — H. Lefebvre, Le droit à la ville. 15 November, Chennai | 1071 — S. Subrahmanyam, Europe’s India. Words, peoples, empires, 1500–1800. 27 November, Chennai | 1072 — M. Joseph, The illicit happiness of other people. 5 December, Chennai | 1073 — S. Subrahmanyam, Is Indian civilization a myth?. 5 December, Chennai | 1074 — H. Lefebvre, La fin de l’histoire. 9 December, Chennai | 1075 — H. Lefebvre, Rhythmanalysis. Space, time and everyday life. (S. Elden & G. Moore, trans.). 10 December, Chennai | 1076 — S. Subrahmanyam, Mughals and Franks. Explorations in connected history. 13 December, Chennai | 1077 — B. Vian, Vercoquin et le plancton. 20 December, Chennai.
Books I’ve Read

2018, 1078–1126

1078 — H. Mathews, Ma vie dans la CIA. 18 January, Chennai | 1079 — C. Himes, A case of rape. 22 January, Chennai | 1080 — C. Himes, Plan B. 22 January, Chennai | 1081 — C. Himes, Run man run. 24 January, Chennai | 1082 — R. C. Solomon, The passions. 24 January, Chennai | 1083 — P. Mitter, Much maligned monsters. A history of European reactions to Indian art. 30 January, Chennai | 1084 — R. Williams, Culture and materialism. Selected essays. 8 February, Chennai | 1085 — B. Ollman, Dialectical investigations. 2 March, Chennai | 1086 — N. Guterman & H. Lefebvre, La conscience mystifiée. 17 March, Chennai | 1087 — M. S. Strickland, Words to make a story out of, 1. “With utmost grace and vividness.” 31 March, Chennai | 1088 — S. Newman, Postanarchism. 1 May, Chennai | 1089 — J. T. Flynn, The truth about Pearl Harbor. 2 May, Chennai | 1090 — D. Foenkinos, Vers la beauté. 7 May, Chennai | 1091 — P. Modiano, Souvenirs dormants. 9 May, Chennai | 1092 — S.-E. Liedman, A world to win. The life and works of Karl Marx. 11 May, Chennai | 1093 — R. Calasso, La folie Baudelaire (A. McEwan, English trans.). 18 May, Chennai | 1094 — C. Whitehead, The underground railroad. 19 May, Chennai | 1095 — G. Perec, La disparition. 28 May, Chennai | 1096 — J. Jouet, Le directeur du Musée des Cadeaux des Chefs d’État de l’Étranger. 1 June, Chennai | 1097 — J. Roubaud, Peut-être, ou La nuit de dimanche (brouillon de prose). Autobiographie romanesque. 8 June, Paris | 1098 — A. Gorz, Écologica. 12 June, Reykjavik–Philadelphia | 1099 — D. Graeber, Bullshit jobs. 30 June, Philadelphia–Chicago–Houston | 1100 — R. Roper, Nabokov in America. On the road to Lolita. 8 July, Glen Ellen, Sonoma | 1101 — J. Roubaud, L’enlèvement d’Hortense. 21 July, Kyōto | 1102 — J. B. Foster, Marx’s ecology. Materialism and nature. 30 July, Chennai | 1103 — C. Burgelin, Album Georges Perec. 4 August, Chennai | 1104 — D. Reich, Who we are and how we got here. Ancient DNA and the new science of the human past. 7 August, Chennai | 1105 — H. G. Wells, You can’t be too careful. 18 August, Chennai | 1106 — J. Roubaud, Poétique. Remarques. Poésie, mémoire, nombre, temps, rythme, contrainte, forme, etc. 26 August, Chennai | 1107 — E. Vila-Matas, Historia abreviada de la literatura portátil. 29 August, Chennai | 1108 — T. M. Krishna, Reshaping art. 30 August, Chennai | 1109 — E. Vila-Matas, Marienbad eléctrico. 13 September, | 1110 — H. G. Wells, Joan and Peter. The story of an education. 23 September, Chennai | 1111 — B. Ollman, Alienation. Marx’s conception of man in capitalist society. 24 September, Chennai | 1112 — G. Didi-Huberman, Survivance des lucioles. 3 October, Barcelona | 1113 — S. Žižek, Like a thief in broad daylight. Power in the era of post-humanity. 5 October, Paris | 1114 — A. Testart, Eléments de classification des sociétés. 16 October, Chennai | 1115 — G. Didi-Huberman, Aperçues. 23 October, Chennai | 1116 — A. Testart, Des dons et des dieux. Anthropologie religieuse et sociologie comparative. Nouvelle édition entièrement révisée et complétée. 29 October, Chennai | 1117 — P. Freuchen, Peter Freuchen’s Book of the Eskimos. (Edited and with a preface by D. Freuchen.) 1 November, Chennai | 1118 — M. Beard, SPQR. A history of ancient Rome. 8 November, Chennai | 1119 — D. Guérin, Fascism and big business. (F. and M. Merr, trans.). 12 November, Chennai | 1120 — P. Carey, Theft. A love story. 17 November, Chennai | 1121 — Ouida, Moths. 25 November, Chennai | 1122 — H. Jacobson, The Finkler question. 1 December, Chennai | 1123 — R. Williams, The country and the city. 4 December, Chennai | 1124 — G. Perec, La vie mode d’emploi. 12 December, Chennai | 1125 — D. Goodway, Anarchist seeds beneath the snow. Left-libertarian thought and British writers from William Morris to Colin Ward. 13 December, Chennai | 1126 — J. Charyn, Jerzy. 25 December, Bangkok.
Books I’ve Read

2019, 1127–1186

1127 — J. Huizinga, Homo ludens. A study of the play element in culture. 1 January, Kep | 1128 — H. Mathews, The solitary twin. 12 January, Bangkok | 1129 — J. Lanchester, Capital. 17 January, Chennai | 1130 — H. Lefebvre, Métaphilosophie. 26 January, Chennai | 1131 — P. Feyerabend, Against method. (Fourth edition.) 1 February, Chennai | 1132 — P. Modiano, L’horizon. 2 February, Chennai | 1133 — S. Sinha, Apatride. 4 February, Chennai | 1134 — H. Lefebvre, La somme et le reste. 5 April, Chennai | 1135 — T. Eagleton, Hope without optimism. 14 April, Chennai | 1136 — A. Testart, L’origine de l’état. La servitude volontaire, II. 23 April, Chennai | 1137 — A. Testart, Les morts d’accompagnement. La servitude volontaire, I. 29 April, Chennai | 1138 — P. Marshall, Demanding the impossible. A history of anarchism. 3 May, Chennai | 1139 — K. Chaitanya, Sanskrit poetics. A critical and comparative study. 13 May, Chennai | 1140 — H. Singh, Recasting caste. From the sacred to the profane. 28 May, Chennai | 1141 — N. Mukherji, The Maoists in India. Tribals under siege. 4 June, Frankfurt–Tallinn | 1142 — A. Burgess, Earthly powers. 20 June, Philadelphia | 1143 — N. Guterman & H. Lefebvre, La conscience mystifiée. 24 June, Philadelphia | 1144 — H. Houssaye, Lolita. 29 June, Houston (Hobby Airport) | 1145 — H. Lefebvre, Le manifeste différentialiste. 1 July, Berkeley | 1146 — G. Hanlon, The dark side of management. A secret history of management theory. 5 July, Los Angeles (Eagle Rock) | 1147 — H. Lefebvre, Diderot, ou les Affirmations fondamentales du matérialisme. 12 July, Philadelphia | 1148 — E. Vila-Matas, Esta bruma insensata. 21 July, Madrid | 1149 — T. Eagleton, Humour. 25 July, Barcelona–Frankfurt | 1150 — A. Muñoz Molina, Tus pasos en la escalera. 2 August, Chennai | 1151 — P. Dardot & C. Laval, Never-ending nightmare. The neoliberal assault on democracy. (G. Elliott, trans.). 2 August, Chennai | 1152 — R. Bolaño, El espíritu de la ciencia-ficción. 3 August, Chennai | 1153 — B. Vian, L’automne à Pékin. 9 August, Chennai | 1154 — B. Vian, L’herbe rouge. 11 August, Chennai | 1155 — B. Vian, L’arrache-cœur. 13 August, Chennai | 1156 — R. H. Lowie, The origin of the state. 23 August, Chennai | 1157 — J. Humphreys, The creative art of wishfulness. 31 August, Chennai | 1158 — G. Gurvitch, Dialectique et sociologie. 5 September, Chennai | 1159 — R. Bolaño, Amberes. 9 September, Chennai | 1160 — J.-M. Blas de Roblès, Dans l’épaisseur de la chair. 17 September, Chennai | 1161 — A. Testart, De la nécessité d’être initié. Rites d’Australie. 20 September, Chennai | 1162 — F. de Waal, Mama’s last hug. Animal emotions and what they tell us about ourselves. 4 October, Bangkok | 1163 — P. Modiano, Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue. 5 October, Bangkok | 1164 — A. Burgess, Inside Mr Enderby. 9 October, Chennai | 1165 — A. Burgess, Enderby outside 10 October, Chennai | 1166 — A. Burgess, The clockwork testament, or, Enderby’s end. 11 October, Chennai | 1167 — A. Burgess, Enderby’s dark lady, or, No end to Enderby. 12 October, Chennai | 1168 — A. Burgess, The end of the world news. 14 October, Chennai | 1169 — C. Knight, Decoding Chomsky. Science and revolutionary politics. 15 October, Chennai | 1170 — A. Burgess, Time for a Tiger. 18 October, Chennai | 1171 — A. Burgess, The enemy in the blanket. 19 October, Chennai | 1172 — A. Burgess, Beds in the East. 20 October, Chennai | 1173 — A. Testart, Le communisme primitif. I. Économie et idéologie. 22 October, Chennai | 1174 — H. Jacobson, Shylock is my name. 23 October, Chennai | 1175 — H. Le Tellier, Toutes les familles heureuses. 9 Novembre, Chennai | 1176 — H. Lefebvre, La presencia y la ausencia. Contribución a la teoría de las representaciones. (O. Barahona y U. Doyhamboure, trad. es.). 14 November, Chennai | 1177 — H. Lefebvre, La vie quotidienne dans le monde moderne. 17 November, Chennai | 1178 — H. Mathews, Conversions. (C. Portal et D. Roche, trad. fr.). 19 Novermber, Chennai | 1179 — G. Devereux, Baubo, la vulve mythique. 20 November, Chennai | 1180 — I. Das, The devourers. 28 November, Chennai | 1181 — A. Gorz, Écologie et liberté. 3 December, Chennai | 1182 — A. Ghosh, The Calcutta chromosome. 7 December, Chennai | 1183 — C. Nivedita, Marginal man. 7 December, Chennai | 1184 — H. Lefebvre, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, o el reino de las sombras. (M. Armiño, trad. es.). 10 December, Chennai | 1185 — S. Avineri, Karl Marx. Philosophy and revolution. 27 December, Nara | 1186 — P. Modiano, Dora Bruder. 30 December, Kyoto.
Books I’ve Read

2020, 1187–1251

1187 — P. Modiano, Livret de famille. 1 January, Kyoto–Kanazawa | 1188 — F. de Waal, The bonobo and the atheist. In search of humanism among primates. 4 January, Kanazawa | 1189 — P. Modiano, Encre sympathique. 6 January, Kanazawa–Tokyo | 1190 — L. Smolin, Einstein’s unfinished revolution. The search for what lies beyond the quantum. 10 January, Tokyo–Chennai | 1191 — H. Lefebvre, Introduction à la modernité. Préludes. 14 January, Chennai | 1192 — G. Didi-Huberman, Désirer désobéir. Ce qui nous soulève, 1. 20 January, Chennai | 1193 — H. Houssaye, Lolita. 21 January, Chennai | 1194 — R. Solnit, Men explain things to me. 23 January, Hong Kong–Los Angeles | 1195 — M. Heinrich, Karl Marx and the birth of modern society. The life of Marx and the development of his work. Volume I: 1818–1841. (A. Locascio, trans.). 31 January, Chennai | 1196 — A. Shalmani, Éloge du métèque. 6 February, Paris | 1197 — J. Roubaud, Tokyo infra-ordinaire. 6 February, Paris | 1198 — G. Didi-Huberman, Éparses. Voyage dans les papiers du ghetto de Varsovie. 10 February, Paris | 1199 — B. Vian & l’Oulipo, On n’y échappe pas. 12 February, Paris | 1200 — A. Gorz, Penser l’avenir. Entretiens avec F. Noudelmann. 14 February, Paris | 1201 — T. Parks, Out of my head. On the trail of consciousness. 20 February, Paris | 1202 — P. Modiano, Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier. 22 February, Paris | 1203 — A. Gorz, Le traître. 23 March, Philadelphia | 1204 — R. Solnit, Recollections of my nonexistence. 25 March, Philadelphia | 1205 — A. Shalmani, Les exilés meurent aussi d’amour. 26 March, Philadelphia | 1206 — H. Lefebvre, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, or, the realm of shadows. (D. Fernbach, trans.). 5 April, Philadelphia | 1207 — P. Casanova, Samuel Beckett. Anatomy of a literary revolution. (G. Elliott, trans.). 13 April, Philadelphia | 1208 — S. Beckett, The lost ones. 13 April, Philadelphia | 1209 — R. Antelme, L’espèce humaine. 20 April, Philadelphia | 1210 — V. Woods, Bonobo handshake. A memoir of love and adventure in the Congo. 28 April, Philadelphia | 1211 — H. Lefebvre, Le nationalisme contre les nations. 29 April, Philadelphia | 1212 — V. Klemperer, LTI, la langue du IIIe Reich. Carnets d’un philologue. (E. Guillot, trad. fr.). 12 May, Philadelphia | 1213 — L. Feuchtwanger, The Oppermanns. 22 May, Philadelphia | 1214 — H. Lefebvre, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, ou le royaume des ombres. 25 May, Philadelphia | 1215 — A. Shalmani, Khomeiny, Sade et moi. 26 May, Philadelphia | 1216 — B. Burkhard, French Marxism between the wars. Henri Lefebvre and the “Philosophies”. 28 May, Philadelphia | 1217 — L. Feuchtwanger, The devil in France. My encounter with him in the summer of 1940. 28 May, Philadelphia | 1218 — W. Ruding, An evil motherhood. 2 June, Philadelphia | 1219 — T. Adorno, Minima moralia. Reflections from damaged life. (E. F. N. Jephcott, trans.). 3 June, Philadelphia | 1220 — M. Bookchin, The philosophy of social ecology. Essays on dialectical naturalism. 6 June, Philadelphia | 1221 — R. Trivers, Wild life. Adventures of an evolutionary biologist. 8 June, Philadelphia | 1222 — J. Biehl, Ecology or catastrophe. The life of Murray Bookchin. 18 June, Philadelphia | 1223 — O. Paz, Conjunciones y disyunciones. 25 June, Philadelphia | 1224 — F. Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs. 30 June, Philadelphia | 1225 — C. Himes, If he hollers let him go. 30 June, Philadelphia | 1226 — R. Desnos, La liberté ou l’amour!, suivi de Deuil pour deuil. 4 July, Philadelphia | 1227 — M. Bookchin, Anarchism, Marxism, and the future of the Left. Interviews and essays, 1993–1998. 7 July, Philadelphia | 1228 — H. Lefebvre, Une pensée devenue monde. Faut-il abandonner Marx? 12 July, Philadelphia | 1229 — H. Lefebvre, Le temps des méprises. 17 July, Philadelphia | 1230 — M. Bookchin, Toward an ecological society. 24 July, Philadelphia | 1231 — A. Testart, Essai sur les fondements de la division sexuelle du travail chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs. 31 July, Philadelphia | 1232 — A. Shalmani, Éloge du métèque. 1 August, Philadelphia | 1233 — H. Le Tellier, L’anomalie. 28 August, Philadelphia | 1234 — H. Lefebvre, L’existentialisme. 4 September, Philadelphia | 1235 — M. Bookchin, The Spanish anarchists. The heroic years 1868–1936. 9 September, Philadelphia | 1236 — A. Roy, Azadi. Freedom fascism fiction. 14 September, Philadelphia | 1237 — P. Murugan, One part woman. 21 September, Philadelphia | 1238 — M. Bookchin, Re-enchanting humanity. A defense of the human spirit against anti-humanism, misanthropy, mysticism, and primitivism. 9 October, Philadelphia | 1239 — H. Lefebvre, La pensée marxiste et la ville. 15 October, Philadelphia | 1240 — D. Foenkinos, La famille Martin. 20 October, Philadelphia | 1241 — L. Miano, Afropea. Utopie post-occidentale et post-raciale. 25 October, Philadelphia | 1242 — Y. Dutt, Coming out as Dalit. 2 November, Philadelphia | 1243 — I. X. Kendi, How to be an antiracist. 11 November, Philadelphia | 1244 — E. O. Wright, How to be an anticapitalist in the twenty-first century. 15 November, Philadelphia | 1245 — N. E. Restif de la Bretonne, L’anti-Justine, ou les délices de l’amour. 23 November, Philadelphia | 1246 — D. Harvey, The anti-capitalist chronicles. 30 November, Philadelphia | 1247 — P. Martín Sánchez, Diario de un viejo cabezota (Reus, 2066). 9 December, Philadelphia | 1248 — N. Guterman & H. Lefebvre, La conscience mystifiée. 13 December, Philadelphia | 1249 — P. Martín Sánchez, Tuyo es el mañana. 16 December, Philadelphia | 1250 — D. L. Lewis, W. E. B. Du Bois. Biography of a race, 1868–1919. 21 December, Philadelphia | 1251 — P. Martín Sánchez, El anarquista que se llamaba como yo. 29 December, Philadelphia.
Books I’ve Read

2021, 1252–1293

1252 — V. Gerber, Murray Bookchin et l’écologie sociale. Une biographie intellectuelle. 6 January, Philadelphia | 1253 — Y. Ouologuem, Lettre à la France nègre. 7 January, Philadelphia | 1254 — P. Louÿs, Trois filles de leur mère. 11 January, Philadelphia | 1255 — A. Price, Recovering Bookchin. Social ecology and the crises of our time. 20 January, Philadelphia | 1256 — H. Aguilar Camín, Plagio. 1 February, Philadelphia | 1257 — H. Draper, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Volume I. State and Bureaucracy. 14 February, Philadelphia | 1258 — L. Feuchtwanger, Success. (W. and E. Muir, trans.) 15 February, Philadelphia | 1259 — E. Berti, Todos los Funes. 18 February, Philadelphia | 1260 — H. Draper, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Volume II. The Politics of Social Classes. 9 March, Philadelphia | 1261 — H. Le Tellier, L’anomalie. 15 March, Philadelphia | 1262 — H. Lefebvre, De l’État. 1. L’État dans le monde moderne. 21 March, Philadelphia | 1263 — M. Wallace, Black macho and the myth of the superwoman. 21 March, Philadelphia | 1264 — H. Draper, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Volume III. The “Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. 29 March, Philadelphia | 1265 — H. Draper, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Volume IV. Critique of Other Socialisms. 15 April, Philadelphia | 1266 — H. Lefebvre, De l’État. 2. De Hegel à Mao par Staline. (La théorie « marxiste » de l’état). 16 April, Philadelphia | 1267 — M. Bookchin, Remaking society. Pathways to a green future. 25 April, Philadelphia | 1268 — H. Draper & E. Haberkern, Karl Marx’s Theory of Revolution. Volume V. War and Revolution. 26 April, Philadelphia | 1269 — B. Cerquiglini, Un participe qui ne passe pas. 29 April, Philadelphia | 1270 — E. Berti, Un padre extranjero. 1 May, Philadelphia | 1271 — B. Cerquiglini, L’Invention de Nithard. 1 May, Philadelphia | 1272 — K. Ilaiah Shepherd, Why I am not a Hindu. A Śudra critique of Hindutva philosophy, culture and political economy. 4 May, Philadelphia | 1273 — J.-M. Blas de Roblès, Le rituel des dunes. 8 May, Philadelphia | 1274 — S. Babaie, K. Babayan, I. Baghdiantz-McCabe & M. Farhad, Slaves of the Shah. New elites of Safavid Iran. 17 May, Philadelphia | 1275 — G. Veda, The Museum of Broken Teacups. Postcards from India’s margins. 20 May, Philadelphia | 1276 — M. Byapari, Interrogating my Chandal life. An autobiography of a Dalit. (S. Mukherjee, trans.). 26 May, Philadelphia | 1277 — M. Byapari, There’s gunpowder in the air. (A. Sinha, trans.). 27 May, Philadelphia | 1278 — P. Harmange, Moi les hommes, je les déteste. 31 May, Philadelphia | 1279 — J. Lanchester, Reality and other stories. 5 June, Philadelphia | 1280 — M. Audin, La Semaine Sanglante. Mai 1871. Légendes et comptes. 16 June, Philadelphia | 1281 — P. D. Curtin, Cross-cultural trade in world history. 18 June, Philadelphia | 1282 — H. Lefebvre, Position : Contre les technocrates. Pour en finir avec l’humanité-fiction. 20 June, Philadelphia | 1283 — H. Lefebvre, De l’État. 3. Le mode de production étatique. 6 August, Tokyo | 1284 — H. Lefebvre, De l’État. 4. Les contradictions de l’état moderne. 3 September, Tokyo | 1285 — P. Mac Orlan, Dinah Miami. 17 September, Tokyo | 1286 — J. Bens, Adieu Sidonie. 18 September, Tokyo | 1287 — J. Baldwin, The fire next time. 21 September, Tokyo | 1288 — S. Themerson, The mystery of the sardine. 29 September, Tokyo | 1289 — S. Subrahmanyam, L’empire portugais d’Asie, 1500 – 1700. (M.-J. Capelle, trad.). 29 September, Tokyo | 1290 — J. Roubaud, Tokyo infra-ordinaire. 4 October, Tokyo | 1291 — P. Mac Orlan, La Vénus Internationale. 12 October, Tokyo | 1292 — H. Lefebvre, La présence et l’absence. Contribution à la théorie des représentations. 2 December, Tokyo | 1293 — R. Hoban, Kleinzeit. 9 December, Tokyo.
Books I’ve Read

2022, 1294–1354

1294 — R. Hoban, The lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz. 1 January, Tokyo | 1295 — R. Hoban, Turtle diary. 3 January, Tokyo | 1296 — J. Roubaud, Chutes, rebonds et autres poèmes simples. 14 January, Tokyo | 1297 — R. Hoban, Riddley Walker. 19 January, Tokyo | 1298 — H. Lefebvre, Qu’est-ce que penser?. 21 January, Tokyo | 1299 — H. Lefebvre & C. Régulier, La révolution n’est plus ce qu’elle était. 8 February, Tokyo | 1300 — E. Miller, A prophet of the real. 15 February, Tokyo | 1301 — H. Lefebvre, Le retour de la dialectique. 12 mots clefs pour le monde moderne. 18 February, Tokyo | 1302 — M. Leiris, Frêle bruit. 6 March, Tokyo | 1303 — D. Harvey, Justice, nature, and the geography of difference. 17 March, Tokyo | 1304 — H. Jacobson, Live a little. 22 March, Tokyo | 1305 — H. Jacobson, Coming from behind. 25 March, Tokyo | 1306 — H. Jacobson, Peeping Tom. 31 March, Tokyo | 1307 — A. M. Iglesia, Ese famoso abismo. Conversaciones con Enrique Vila-Matas. 31 March, Tokyo | 1308 — H. Jacobson, Redback. 5 April, Tokyo | 1309 — G. Didi-Huberman, Le témoin jusqu’au bout. Une lecture de Victor Klemperer. 8 April, Tokyo | 1310 — V. Nabokov, Look at the harlequins!. 13 April, Tokyo | 1311 — V. Nabokov, Transparent things. 14 April, Tokyo | 1312 — I. Brown, Lighting-up time. 17 April, Tokyo | 1313 — V. Nabokov, Ada or ardor: A family chronicle. 27 April, Tokyo | 1314 — V. Nabokov, Pale fire. 7 May, Tokyo | 1315 — D. Foenkinos, Numéro deux. 13 May, Tokyo | 1316 — V. Nabokov, Pnin. 14 May, Tokyo | 1317 — V. Nabokov, Lolita. 23 May, Tokyo | 1318 — W. Caine, The strangeness of Noel Carton. 28 May, Tokyo | 1319 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 29 May, Tokyo | 1320 — G. Didi-Huberman, Imaginer recommencer. Ce qui nous soulève, 2. 1 June, Tokyo | 1321 — W. Caine, The author of “Trixie”. 10 June, Tokyo | 1322 — W. Caine, Lady Sheba’s last stunt. 11 June, Tokyo | 1323 — W. Caine, Pilkington. 12 June, Tokyo | 1324 — W. Caine, The revolt at Roskelly’s. 14 June, Tokyo | 1325 — I. Calvino, Six memos for the next millennium. 16 June, Tokyo | 1326 — W. Caine & J. Fairbairn, The confectioners. 19 June, Tokyo | 1327 — H. G. Wells, Apropos of Dolores. 24 June, Tokyo | 1328 — W. Caine, The author of “Trixie”. 27 June, Tokyo | 1329 — W. Caine, Great-Snakes!. A variation on a classical theme. 30 June, Tokyo | 1330 — H. G. Wells, The invisible man. A grotesque romance. 1 July, Tokyo | 1331 — W. Caine, The devil in solution. 10 July, Tokyo | 1332 — R. Hoban, The Medusa frequency. 18 July, Tokyo | 1333 — R. Hoban, Mr. Rinyo-Clacton’s offer. 22 July, Tokyo | 1334 — R. Hoban, Fremder. 29 July, Sapporo | 1335 — V. Nabokov, The gift. 9 August, Tokyo | 1336 — H. Le Tellier, La disparition de Perek. Une enquête de Gabriel Lecouvreur, dit le Poulpe. 13 August, Tokyo | 1337 — M. M. Sarr, La plus secrète mémoire des hommes. 24 August, Tokyo | 1338 — W. Caine, Boom! A novel of the century. 26 August, Tokyo | 1339 — L. Feuchtwanger, Paris Gazette. 7 September, Tokyo | 1340 — W. Caine, The irresistible intruder. 10 September, Tokyo | 1341 — W. Caine, But she meant well. 12 September, Tokyo | 1342 — W. Caine, Save us from our friends!. 15 September, Tokyo | 1343 — W. Caine, Hoffman’s chance. 19 September, Tokyo | 1344 — J. Roubaud, Peut-être, ou La nuit de dimanche (brouillon de prose). Autobiographie romanesque. October 5, Kyoto | 1345 — F. Vargas, Un peu plus loin sur la droite. 13 October, Tokyo | 1346 — G. Calderon & W. Caine, The brave little tailor, or Seven at a blow. 23 October, Tokyo | 1347 — W. Caine, Old enough to know better. 24 October, Tokyo | 1348 — E. Vila-Matas, Montevideo. 28 October, Tokyo | 1349 — R. Hoban, Pilgermann. 3 November, Tokyo | 1350 — W. Caine, The new foresters. 6 November, Tokyo | 1351 — F. Joly, La langue confisquée. Lire Victor Klemperer aujourd’hui. 5 December, Tokyo | 1352 — B. Vian, Je voudrais pas crever. 6 December, Tokyo | 1353 — G. Perec, Espèces d’espace. 22 December, Tokyo | 1354 — C. Miéville, The city & the city. 31 December, Hanoi.
Books I’ve Read

2023, 1355–

1355 — J. Barnes, The only story. 3 January, Tokyo | 1356 — A. Huxley, Antic hay. 7 January, Tokyo | 1357 — W. Caine, A prisoner in Spain. 13 January, Tokyo | 1358 — A. Huxley, Point counter point. 20 January, Tokyo | 1359 — D. Harvey, The limits to capital. New and fully updated edition. 30 January, Tokyo | 1360 — A. Testart, L’Amazone et la cuisinière. Anthropologie de la division sexuelle de travail. 31 January, Tokyo | 1361 — A. Huxley, Eyeless in Gaza. 8 February, Tokyo | 1362 — S. Hazzard, The transit of Venus. 15 February, Tokyo | 1363 — A. Huxley, Crome yellow. 25 February, Tokyo | 1364 — V. Nabokov, The original of Laura. 1 March, Tokyo | 1365 — W. Caine & J. Fairbairn, The confectioners. 17 March, Tokyo | 1366 — W. Caine, Mendoza and a little lady. 22 March, Nara | 1367 — C. Miéville, Embassytown. 28 March, Tokyo | 1368 — W. Caine, The author of “Trixie”. 7 April, Tokyo | 1369 — F. C. Burnand, The ride to Khiva. 15 April, Tokyo | 1370 — V. Nabokov, Invitation to a beheading. 22 April, Tokyo | 1371 — V. Nabokov, The real life of Sebastian Knight. 24 April, Tokyo | 1372 — V. Nabokov, The Luzhin defense. 30 April, Tokyo | 1373 — J. Barnes, Elizabeth Finch. 9 May, Tokyo | 1374 — A. Mabanckou, Huit leçons sur l’Afrique. 14 May, Tokyo | 1375 — K. Saito, Marx in the Anthropocene. Towards the idea of degrowth communism. 20 May, Tokyo | 1376 — K. B. Anderson, Marx at the margins. On nationalism, ethnicity, and non-western societies. 9 June, Tokyo | 1377 — W. Self, Why read. Selected writings 2001–2021. 23 June, Tokyo | 1378 — L. P. Hartley, Facial justice. 25 June, Tokyo | 1379 — G. Orwell, Keep the aspidistra flying. 27 June, Tokyo | 1380 — S. Hazzard, The great fire. 15 July, Philadelphia | 1381 — J. Brunner, The squares of the city. 22 July, Tokyo | 1382 — J. Brunner, Good men do nothing. 24 July, Tokyo | 1383 — J. Brunner, The infinitive of go. 25 July, Tokyo | 1384 — W. Le Queux, The death-doctor. 1 August, Tokyo | 1385 — A. Sullivan, The seventh dragon. The riddle of equal temperament. 4 August, Tokyo | 1386 — J. L. Carter, Nymphet. 6 August, Tokyo | 1387 — J. Brunner, Telepathist. 9 August, Tokyo | 1388 — J. Brunner, The sheep look up. 14 August, Tokyo | 1389 — H. Lefebvre, Hegel Marx Nietzsche, ou Le royaume des ombres. 16 August, Tokyo | 1390 — J. Brunner, The dreaming earth. 17 August, Tokyo | 1391 — R. Roussel, La vue (1904 Lemerre edition). 20 August, Tokyo | 1392 — W. Caine, The author of “Trixie”. 27 August, Tokyo | 1393 — W. Caine, The revolt at Roskelly’s. 31 August, Tokyo | 1394 — W. Caine, Great-Snakes!. A variation on a classical theme. 4 September, Tokyo | 1395 — W. Caine, Pilkington. 7 September, Tokyo | 1396 — J. Brunner, The crutch of memory. 15 September, Tokyo | 1397 — J. Brunner, The brink. 16 September, Tokyo | 1398 — J. Brunner, Quicksand. 18 September, Tokyo | 1399 — J. Brunner, Web of everywhere. 20 September, Tokyo | 1400 — J. Brunner, Honky in the woodpile. 23 September, Tokyo | 1401 — T. Wilder, The bridge of San Luis Rey. 24 September, Tokyo | 1402 — A. Chekhov, The Lady with the Dog and other stories. The tales of Chekhov, vol. III. 26 September, Tokyo | 1403 — H. G. Wells, Mind at the end of its tether. September 29, Tokyo | 1404 — J. Brunner, Stand on Zanzibar. 1 October, Tokyo | 1405 — W. Caine & J. Fairbairn, The confectioners. 10 October, Tokyo | 1406 — W. Caine, Bildad the quill-driver. 13 October, Tokyo | 1407 — A. Huxley, Island. 15 October, Tokyo | 1408 — A. Huxley, Ape and essence. 23 October, Tokyo | 1409 — P. Modiano, La place de l’étoile. 2 November, Tokyo | 1410 — W. Kaufmann, The faith of a heretic. 6 November, Tokyo | 1411 — W. Caine, Hoffman’s chance. 23 November, Tokyo | 1412 — P. Descola, La composition des mondes. Entretiens avec Pierre Charbonnier. 12 December, Tokyo | 1413 — P. Modiano, La danseuse. 14 December, Tokyo | 1414 — B. Lerner, The hatred of poetry. 14 December, Tokyo | 1415 — B. Lerner, The Topeka School. 25 December, Taitung–Tainan | 1416 — A. Mabanckou, Le commerce des allongés. 30 December, Taipei.
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